CPSC 203 Course web page: winter 2022

Index for the major parts of this site

Free resources for all U of C students

Technical requirements for students in the distance learning version of this course (paraphrased version from what was provided by the university).

Although students using different types of computer operating systems (Windows, Mac OS, Chrome) have completed this lecture section in the past, this section is Windows specific. In years past there was a Mac specific lecture offered but this is no longer the case for this department. I'm wasn't part of the decision making process so I unfortunately I can't speculate why this was the case. You might check on PeopleSoft for courses that are listed as anti-requisites for CPSC 203 and check out their course content. If you don't find anything there then check with the Faculty of Continuing Education for their current offerings. Unfortunately because this is a Windows lecture section if you run into problems related to another operating system we won't have access to those resources so unfortunately it's not likely that we will be able to assist you.

However here is an alternative for students who don't have MS-Office on a Windows computer: [Running Office 2016 using a remote connection to a Windows 10 TriLab computer]

Administrative information: lecture, grading, textbooks


Lecture TR (4:00 - 5:15 PM) via Zoom in real time:


Instructor contact information

James Tam


Office time: M & T (12:00 - 12:50 PM) via a Zoom link:


Email: tam@ucalgary.ca

Official information Official course information sheet (summary of official course requirements)


General assignment information Grade calculator to estimate your term grade: [Excel spreadsheet]

Academic misconduct vs. collaboration: what is allowed for this class

All assignments except for the last will be graded by your tutorial instructor. The first person to contact with questions about marking will be that person.

Books (available via the UC bookstore) Textbook (explanation of some course material): Computer Science Chop Suey Lite. eBook ISBN 9781119545743, printed text  ISBN 9781119550273 [Bookstore textbook ordering link]

Workbook (practice problems): Computer Science Chop Suey: Chop-Chop Problems. eBook ISBN 9781119699354, printed text  9781119778431. [Digital bookstore link]

For more information Grading information, how the course will be run etc.


Tutorial information (teaching and help tutorials)

Teaching tutorials (commence the week of Jan. 16 - 22) and will be available via a Zoom link (look under "Content->Teaching tutorials" in D2L and under the appropriate week for the tutorial you will find a separate folder for each tutorial)




Contact information: if you have questions it's best to reach the TA during the CT time but you can email them for relative short and simple questions.
T01 TuTh 8:00AM - 8:50AM Tumpa, Sanjida Nasreen sanjidanasreen.tumpa@ucalgary.ca
T02 MoWe 8:00AM - 8:50AM Aktar, Farzana farzana.aktar@ucalgary.ca
T03 TuTh 9:00AM - 9:50AM Tumpa, Sanjida Nasreen sanjidanasreen.tumpa@ucalgary.ca
T04 TuTh 12:00PM - 12:50PM Aktar, Farzana farzana.aktar@ucalgary.ca
T05: TuTh 1:00PM - 1:50PM Mukherjee, Suvojit suvojit.mukherjee@ucalgary.ca

Tutorial schedule Topics covered
Students to-do: before Word tutorials Assumed knowledge of Word (it would be a good idea to at least skim through those notes even though you are familiar with this program). [PDF] [PowerPoint]
Jan. 16 - 22  
  • Exercise: Assignment #0 (students can try out the process of submitting files into and learning how to properly verify their submission with a TA available for help).
  • Go over requirements: Workbook Exercise #1
  • Go over requirements: Assignment #1
  • MS-Word: 'Save' vs. "Save as", tagging Office files, creating PDF versions of documents, approaches for mitigating disaster in Word, converting between different versions of Word, formatting text, show/hide formatting symbols, insertions (images, page breaks, cover pages, section breaks, symbols & equations).  [Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint]
Jan. 23 - 29
  • MS-Word: operations with tables (basics will be assumed), table formulas,  document headers/footers, text styles, using the format painter, finding text, document views, master-subdocuments, linking Word documents with other types of files (e.g. Excel spreadsheets). [Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint] [Starting Word documents]
Jan. 30 - Feb. 5
Students to-do: before Excel tutorials
Feb. 6 - 12 First tutorial
Second tutorial
  • MS-Excel: common math operators, order of operation, merging cells, wrapping cell data, indenting, defining custom formulas, data validation (string/character information) [Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint] [Starting Excel spreadsheets]
Feb. 13 - 19 [Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint] [Starting Excel spreadsheets]

First tutorial

  • MS-Excel: working multiple worksheets, named constants, simple pre-created or pre-written functions: AVERAGETRUNCCOUNTCOUNTACOUNTBLANKMINMAXSUMROUNDTODAYDATE, Format cells and different types of data (Number, currency, accounting, percentage, fraction, scientific, text, special, custom), conditional formatting.
Second tutorial
  • MS-Excel: working multiple worksheets, named constants, simple pre-created or pre-written functions: AVERAGETRUNCCOUNTCOUNTACOUNTBLANKMINMAXSUMROUNDTODAYDATE, Format cells and different types of data (Number, currency, accounting, percentage, fraction, scientific, text, special, custom), conditional formatting.


Feb. 20 - 26 (Reading Week: no classes)  
Feb. 27 - Mar. 5 First tutorial
  • Branching (via the IF function) and logic (ANDOR functions), cell references (more advanced examples, transposing their use). Web searches using logic: AND, OR, NOT. [Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint] [Starting Excel spreadsheets]

Second tutorial


Mar. 6 - 12  Notes for the week. [Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint]

First tutorial

Second tutorial

  • Accessing the number of typographical errors in a document, changing font properties, writing text to a document, finding things in a document (text strings, font effects, formatting styles in Word). [VBA example programs] [Exercises]
Mar. 13 - 19 First tutorial:
  • Branching using the IF-structures: IF-THEN, IF-THEN-ELSE, IF-ELSEIF, Multiple IFs, logical operators (AND, OR) in conjunction with branching.  Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint] [VBA example programs] [Exercises]

Second tutorial: open tutorial

  • No new teaching will occur but the TA will be available for help. During this "Open Tutorial" any CPSC 203 student can ask for help and not just the students who are registered in a particular tutorial. The purpose is to provide extra help because the next workbook exercise is the first one in which you need to write a program from scratch.
  • For consistency the TAs will use tutorial Zoom links when hosting their open tutorials. To find information about a particular TAs tutorial Zoom link look in D2L under: Content->Teaching tutorials then look in the folder/module for the TA whose open tutorial that you wish to attend.


Mar. 20 - 26 [Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint] [VBA example programs] [Exercises]

First tutorial:

  • Going over requirements: Assignment #3
  • Looping/repetition: Counting Do-While loops

Second tutorial:

  • Nesting: IF with IF, Do-While within an IF, If within a Do-While
  • Collaboration vs. misconduct: what's allowed and not allowed. (Based on this [resource link])


Mar. 27 - Apr. 2

First tutorial:

Second tutorial: Open tutorial

  • No new teaching will occur but the TA will be available for help. During this "Open Tutorial" any CPSC 203 student can ask for help and not just the students who are registered in a particular tutorial. The purpose is to provide extra help because the next workbook exercise is the first one in which you need to write a program from scratch.
  • For consistency the TAs will use tutorial Zoom links when hosting their open tutorials. To find information about a particular TAs tutorial Zoom link look in D2L under: Content->Teaching tutorials then look in the folder/module for the TA whose open tutorial that you wish to attend.
Apr. 3 - 9

[Notes: PDF] [Notes: PowerPoint] [VBA example programs] [Exercises]

First tutorial:

  • Going over requirements: Assignment #4
  • Excel VBA programming: formatting cells, accessing and changing cells, inserting charts & changing chart properties.

Second tutorial:

  • Excel VBA programming: accessing worksheets, data analysis (counting occurrences, looking for specific data), sorting.
April 10 - 16 (last day of class and CT is Apr. 12)

Tutorials for the week: All will be open tutorials

  • No new teaching will occur but the TA will be available for help. During this "Open Tutorial" any CPSC 203 student can ask for help and not just the students who are registered in a particular tutorial. The purpose is to provide extra help because the next workbook exercise is the first one in which you need to write a program from scratch.
  • For consistency the TAs will use tutorial Zoom links when hosting their open tutorials. To find information about a particular TAs tutorial Zoom link look in D2L under: Content->Teaching tutorials then look in the folder/module for the TA whose open tutorial that you wish to attend.

Help tutorials = Continuous tutorials (or CT for short) where you can go for help outside of class in addition to my office time. Each TA will have a separate Zoom link. CT commences TBA. The number of hours vary according to the anticipated demand so check the schedule below for specifics.


Main grid: course schedule notes for the lecture, assignment information

Approximate time each topic will be covered in lecture Lecture topics & schedule
Relevant textbook chapters: "Computer Science Chop Suey Lite" (Tam J.) Wiley. [Bookstore textbook ordering link]

Other textbooks on the online library website: [Safari]


Graded component due during the week: Note that all assignments are due at 4 PM
    Not applicable  
Jan. 9 - 15 Introduction to the course (important administrative information such as grading)

Word processing (Windows version of Word)


Jan. 16 - 22 Word processing (Windows version of MS-Word - continued)    
Jan. 23 - 29 Word processing (Windows version of MS-Word - continued)


Spreadsheets (Windows version of MS-Excel): Part I

  A0 (submitting files using D2L and checking submissions, not graded) closes off submission on Friday Jan. 28.


Jan. 30 - Feb. 5 Spreadsheets (Windows version of MS-Excel): Part I   Workbook Exercise #1: Word (Due Monday Jan. 31, TA marking due date Feb. 7)


Feb. 6 - 12 Spreadsheets (Windows version of MS-Excel): Part II



  Assignment 1: Word (Monday Feb. 7, TA due date for sending grading to course instructor Feb. 14)
Feb. 13 - 19 Spreadsheets (Windows version of MS-Excel - continued) : Part III (spreadsheet design)   Workbook Exercise #2: Excel (Friday Feb. 18, TA marking due date Feb. 25)
Feb. 20 - 26 (Reading Week: no classes)  



Feb. 27 - Mar. 5

VBA Word programming (Word): Part I


Chop Suey Lite: Chapter 2 Assignment 2: Excel (Friday Mar. 4, TA due date for sending grading to course instructor Mar. 11).


Mar. 6 - 12 VBA programming (Word): Part II


Chop Suey Lite: Chapter 2  
Mar. 13 - 19 VBA programming (Word): Part II continued from last week


VBA programming (Word): Part III


Chop Suey Lite: Chapter 2 Workbook Exercise #3: VBA Word (Monday Mar. 14, TA marking due date Mar. 21)


Mar. 20 - 26 VBA programming (Word): Part III (continued from last week)


Chop Suey Lite: Chapter 2 Workbook Exercise #4: VBA Word (Monday Mar. 21, TA marking due date Mar. 28)
Mar. 27 - Apr. 2 VBA programming (Word): Part III (continued from last week)


VBA programming (other Office applications)  & data visualization Part I


Chop Suey Lite: Chapter 2 Assignment 3: VBA Word (Friday Apr. 1, , TA due date for sending grading to course instructor Apr. 8)
Apr. 3 - 9 VBA programming (other Office applications) & data visualization Part II   Workbook Exercise #5: VBA Excel (Friday Apr. 8, TA marking due date Apr. 15)
April 10 - 16 (last day of class and CT is Apr. 12) (Depending upon time)   Assignment 4: VBA Excel (Tuesday Apr. 12, , TA due date for sending grading to course instructor Apr. 19)