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Workbook exercise #2: using Excel

Due dates for all assignments can be found on the [main grid] of the course webpage.

Note: The computer lab for CPSC 203 is located in SS018 (the "Tri-Labs"). If you find that your particular version of Word (e.g. Office 365, older versions of Office, MAC users) does not include everything needed for a feature then you should to complete that feature in SS018. Alternatively for the remote learning version of the course you can login to a lab computer from your own. [Information link created by UC-IT with modifications by James Tam, for questions:]

To get credit for this exercise you need to use the required starting spreadsheet: "WBEx2_data_validation". After completing the modifications specified below you are to submit this file via the appropriate D2L Dropbox folder.

Data validation:

Grading: You will set up data validation rules in Cells A2 & B2.

Step 1: Ensure the user only enters a Canadian phone number that is exactly 10 digits long. Only the digits can be entered (no other characters such as spaces or dashes are allowed).

Step 1A: click on Cell A2 to ensure it's the currently active cell. For Steps 1  3 make sure this cell is the one selected.

Step 1B: Select the Data Validation feature: Data -> Data Tools: Data Validation -> Data Validation.

Step 1C: Under the 'Settings' tab change the following:

Step 1Ci: Under 'Allow' select 'Whole number'

(Unless the option under the 'Data' label has an option selected other than 'between' specified you don't have to change it. The 'Ignore blank' option should be unchecked.)

Step 1Cii: Under 'Minimum' type in '1111111111' (10 ones)

Step 1Ciii: Under 'Maximum' type in '9999999999' (10 nines)

Step 1Civ: Click 'OK'

Step 2: Create a message that provides cues for what is a valid phone number before the user enters a value.

Step 2A: Select the Data Validation feature: Data -> Data Tools: Data Validation -> Data Validation

Step 2B: Select the "Input Message" tab.

(Unless the checkbox for "Show input message when cell is selected" is not checked you don't have to change this control).

Step 2Bi: Under 'Title' type in "Phone number: input cue"

Step 2Bii: Under "Input Message" type in "Enter exactly 10 digits for the phone with no extra spaces, dashes or other separators."

Step 2Biii: Click 'OK'

Step 3: Create a message that describes the error that will occur after the user has entered an erroneous value.

Step 3A: Select the Data Validation feature: Data -> Data Tools: Data Validation -> Data Validation

Step 3B: Select the "Error Alert" tab.

These controls don't have to be changed unless they are set to states that are different from the following:

  • Show Error alert after invalid data is entered: Checkbox should be 'checked'

  • Style: Only change it if an option other than 'Stop' has been selected.

Step 3Bi: Under 'Title' type in "Phone number: error message"

Step 3Bii: Under "Error Message" type in "Reminder: Type in exactly 10 digits for the phone number with no separators such as spaces or dashes."

Step 3Biii: Click 'OK'

Step 4: Ensure the user only selects or types in a faculty from the following list: arts, business, engineering, science, social science.

Step 4A: click on Cell B2 make it the currently active cell. For Steps 4 - 6 make sure this cell is the one that has been selected.

Step 4B: Select the Data Validation feature: Data -> Data Tools: Data Validation -> Data Validation

Step 4C: Under the 'Settings' tab change the following:

These controls don't have to be changed unless they are states different from the following:

  • Ignore blank: Checkbox should be 'checked'

  • In-cell dropdown: Checkbox should be 'checked'

Step 4Ci: Under 'Allow' select 'List'

Step 4Cii: Under 'Source' type in "arts, business, engineering, science, social science" Include the commas and the spaces.

Step 4Ciii: Click 'OK'

Step 5: Create a message that will provide input clues for the faculty before the user enters a value.

Step 5A: Select the Data Validation feature: Data -> Data Tools: Data Validation -> Data Validation

Step 5B: Select the "Input Message" tab.

(Unless the checkbox for "Show input message when cell is selected" in not checked you don't have to change this control).

Step 5Bi: Under 'Title' type in "Faculty: input cue"

Step 5Bii: Under "Input Message" type in "Select a faculty from the pull down list using the triangular shaped control (right of Cell B2)."

Step 5Biii: Click 'OK'

Step 6: Create a message that describes the error that occurred after the user has entered an erroneous value.

Step 6A: Select the Data Validation feature: Data -> Data Tools: Data Validation -> Data Validation

Step 6B: Select the "Error Alert" tab.

This control doesn't have to be changed unless it's set to a state that is different from the following:

  • Show Error alert after invalid data is entered: Checkbox should be 'checked'

Step 6Bi Change the Style to: 'Warning'.

Step 6Bii: Under 'Title' type in "Faculty: error message"

Step 6Biii: Under "Error Message" type in "Select the following from the pull down list: arts, business, engineering, science, social science."

Step 6Biv: Click 'OK'

Step 7: Test the Data Validation rule for the telephone number.

Step 7A: Click in Cell A2 to make it active.

Step 7B: Check how invalid input is handled.

Step 7Bi: Type in 2109455 and press enter.

Step 7Bii: The error message that you previously created should appear. Select 'Cancel'.

Step 7Biii: Type in abc123 and press enter.

Step 7Biv: The error message that you created in a previous step should appear. Select 'Cancel'.

Step 7Bv: Mouse-over cell A2 and the "Input cues" that you created previously should appear in a yellow popup.

Step 7C: Check how valid input is handled.

Step 7Ai: Type in 4032109455 and press enter. This value should be accepted.

Step 8: Test the Data Validation rule for the faculty.

Step 8A: Click in Cell B2 to make it active.

Step 8B: Check how invalid input is handled.

Step 8Ai: Type in 'Humanities' and press enter.

Step 8Aii: When the popup appears select 'Yes'.

Step 8Aiii: Type in 'Kinesiology' and press enter.

Step 8Aiv: When the popup appears select 'Cancel'.

Step 8C: Check how valid input is handled.

Step 8Ci: Type in 'Arts' and press enter.

Step 8Cii: Select one of the faculties from the list such as science.

Marking and grading


Assignments must reflect individual work; group work is not allowed in this class nor can you copy the work of others. Some "do nots" for your solution: don't publically post it, don't email it out, don't show it to other students, don't get help with your assignment from a tutor (if you have hired one).  For more detailed information as to what constitutes academic misconduct (i.e., cheating) for this course please read the following [link].

Submitting your work:

D2L configuration for this course

Late submissions for assignments  when there is no extension granted: Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the submission process so you don't get cut off by D2L's deadline (or your submission will be automatically flagged as late by D2L and it will be graded appropriately)..

Submission received:

On time

Hours late : >0 and <=24

Hours late: >24 and <=48

Hours late: >48 and <=72

Hours late: >72 and <=96

Hours late: >96



-1 GPA

-2 GPA

-3 GPA

-4 GPA

No credit (not accepted)