Course web page: Introduction to problem solving with applications James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 203: Tutorial Teaching Schedule

Week Topics covered
Jan 10 - 16
  • No tutorials
Jan 17 - 23

(Catch up material for MS-Word - if needed).
It's assumed that everyone has worked with the very basic features of word processors such as MS-Word. In tutorials TA's will go over some of the more 'advanced' features of Word which some of you may not be familiar with partly so you can learn some useful features but also because it will be quite helpful to know the existing features of Word well before trying to write programs to augment these features.

If you don't feel like you are already an expert using Word or even if you wish to review some features here are some help tutorials provided by Microsoft which you can work through before your first tutorial:

To do before tutorials: Very basic features

To do before tutorials: More advanced features of Word

What TA's will cover in tutorial: [Resources]

  • Linking documents between different MS-Office applications (e.g., Excel and Word):
  • Find and replace: case sensitive and employing a wildcard
  • Change tracking
  • Using, creating and modifying styles
  • Citations, bibliographies, footnotes, figure captions, table of figures
  • Master and sub-documents
Jan 24 - 30 First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday)

Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): [Resources]

  • Excel overview
  • Shortcuts: Autofill, fastfill
  • Changing view: freezing panes
  • Multiple worksheets
  • Calculations and order of operation
Jan 31 - Feb 6 First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday)

Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): [Resources]

  • Pre-created Excel functions: e.g., SUM, ROUND, TRUNC, COUNTIF, AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTA,  MAX, MIN, NOW, TODAY
  • Student exercise: defining arbitrary functions in Excel
  • Formatting and layout effects: setting the cell fill  & font color, text wrapping & indenting
  • Setting the format of cell data: general, number, currency, accounting, date, time, percentage, fraction, scientific, special and custom
Feb 7 - 13 Resource material: [All spreadsheets]
  • First spreadsheet: using the if() function in conjunction with a lookup table, column charts, countif() function, pivot tables: [Excel sheet]
  • Second spreadsheet: using the lookup() function, absolute vs. relative cell references: [Excel sheet]
  • Third spreadsheet: a modified corrected version of the first spreadsheet with the proper application of absolute vs. relative cell references: [Excel sheet]
  • Fourth spreadsheet: using the vlookup() function: [Excel sheet]
  • Fifth spreadsheet: a modified version of the fourth spreadsheet introducing what-if analysis; [Excel sheet]


Feb 14 - 20 READING WEEK: No classes
Feb 21 - 27 First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):


Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):

  • 'Open tutorial'. TAs will be available for help and to answer questions but no new material will be taught (although they may cover material that they missed covering in the previous week). Any student from 203 can ask for help during an open tutorial (you don't have to be registered in that section). Students can also work on their assignment in the lab.

Feb 28 - Mar 5 First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
  • TAs cover the requirements for A3
  • TAs may start some of their coverage of Access in this first tutorial if there is time

Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): [Example database used in tutorial]

  • Overview of the features of MS-Access: DesignView ('General tab', types of data) vs. DataSheet, documenting a database via the 'description' field
  • Primary vs. foreign keys, database relationship types (1:1, 1:*, *:*)
  • Ensuring referential integrity
  • Defining input masks

[Summary of TA materials for databases week 1]

Mar 6 - 12 First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
  • Student exercise: Input masks
  • Student exercise: ERD

Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):

  • Validation rules
  • Student exercise: validation rules
  • Creating a graphical input form in Access

[Version of the database used in this weeks tutorial]

Mar 13 - 19 First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
  • Database normalization
  • Introduction to queries: simple, single table queries

Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):

  • Multiple table queries
  • Logical operations and queries: AND, OR, NOT
  • Complex queruies
  • Student query exercises

Resources for this week:

Mar 20 - 26 First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
  • Midterms will be returned
  • TAs will go over select midterm questions

Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):

'Open tutorial'. TAs will be available for help and to answer questions but no new material will be taught (although they may cover material that they missed covering in the tutorial held earlier in the week). Any student from 203 can ask for help during an open tutorial (you don't have to be registered in that section). Students can also work on their assignment in the lab.

March 25: Good Friday, no classes (or CT)

Mar 27 - Apr 2
April 3 - 9
April 10 - 16 'Open tutorial'. TAs will be available for help and to answer questions but no new material will be taught (although they may cover material that they missed covering in the tutorial held earlier in the week). Any student from 203 can ask for help during an open tutorial (you don't have to be registered in that section). Students can also work on their assignment in the lab.