Lecture notes for the Introduction to multidisciplinary Computer Science II by James Tam |
Return to the course web page |
Grades for all term components (Note: your grades are listed in the form of the official University grade points - see the calendar if you are unfamiliar with them).
Day/Time |
Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 - 10:50 |
Location |
Was SS 109 now moved to ENE 322 |
Contact Information |
James Tam |
Office: ICT 707 |
Office hours: M 2 – 3 PM, T 11 AM - Noon |
Email: tamj@cpsc.ucalgary.ca |
General information |
Administrative information (computation of your term grade, course text books, the course information sheet etc.) |
Getting started in Computer Science (labs, sources of help etc.) |
Tutorial instructor
TR 15:00 - 15:50
MS 176
Shambhavi Srinivasa
MW 13:00 - 13:50
MS 176
Tanvire Elahi
Schedule of topics to be covered in tutorial during the term
Tentative Schedule
Topics to be covered
Recommended reading (The C programming language)
Recommended reading (Introduction to programming Java)
Introduction to the course (administrative information and course overview)
Course introduction: [Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Procedural programming: Basics of C programming
C programming I: [Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Section 1.1 - 1.5, Chapter 2, 3, Section 7.2, 7.3
Procedural programming: Advanced programming concepts in C
C programming II:
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]Chapter 4, Section 5.1 - 5.4, 5.7, 6.1 - 6.2, Section 7.5 - 7.8, Section 8.1 - 8.3
Introduction to programming in Java
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Section 1.5 - 1.8, Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, Section 10.3 - 10.5
Introduction to Object-Oriented programming
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Chapter 6, 7, Section 8.2 - 8.4
Code reuse through the use of hierarchies
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Chapter 9.2 - 9.3, Chapter 12, 13
Dealing with problems with exceptions and error handling
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Chapter 14
Introduction to graphical user interfaces
Technical notes:[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Overview of HCI design principles:[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Chapter 16, 17 (and through the end of many chapters)
File input and output
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Chapter 15
Packages and collections (if there is time)
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Concurrent programming (if there is time)
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Appendix 9
Design and testing (if there is time)
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Design patterns (if there is time)
[Acrobat] [PowerPoint]
Assignment submission guidelines |
Information about academic misconduct (cheating vs. collaboration) |
Assignment 1: (Worth 3% of your term grade, due January 29) |
Assignment 2: (Worth 4% of your term grade, due February 9) |
Assignment 3: (Worth 2% of your term grade, due February 26) |
Assignment 4: (Worth 9% of your term grade, due March 16) |
Assignment 5: (Worth 9% of your term grade, due April 6) |
Assignment 6: (Worth 3% of your term grade, due April 15) |
First midterm: Worth 20% of your term grade, to be held during normal lecture time in the regular lecture room, February 11. [Additional details] |
Second midterm: Worth 20% of your term grade, to be held during normal lecture time in the regular lecture room, March 18. [Additional details] |
Final exam: Worth 30% of your term grade, to be scheduled by the [Office of the Registrar] and will occur sometime between April 19 -29. [Additional details] |
Practice problems |