Week No.
Days |
Topics to be covered
Jan 11 - 15 |
Jan 18 - 22 |
- Discussion of A1
- Editing, compiling and executing C programs on the Computer Science
- Input and output
- Variables and named constants
- Branching/decision making
- Keyboard commands for Emacs (if there is time)
- Working at home using SSH (if there is time)
Jan 25 - 29 |
- Review: binary (conversions, complements, bitwise operations)
- Loops
- Arrays and strings
Feb 1 - 5 |
- String functions
- Discussion of A2
- Pointers, pointers vs. arrays
- Command line arguments
- Functions: definition vs. call, scope (local variables), function
return values, parameter passing (value vs. reference), passing
composite types to functions (arrays and struct)
- File input and output
Feb 8 - 12 |
- First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): open tutorial, the TA will be
available to answer questions and to help with your assignment but no
new material will covered during this time.
- Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Introduction to creating
Java programs, a very quick overview of Java basics, Java arrays,
introduction to Java classes (attributes and methods, information
Feb 15 - 19 |
7 |
Feb 22 - 26 |
- First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): method overloading, method
signatures. Plus there will be some in lab exercises to help you get
comfortable working with classes and objects in Java.
- Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): open tutorial, the TA will
be available to answer questions and to help with your assignment but no
new material will covered during this time.
8 |
Mar 1 - 5 |
- Relationships between classes
- Design exercises
- References
- Static methods and attributes
9 |
Mar 8 - 12 |
- First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): open tutorial, the TA will be
available to answer questions and to help with your assignment but no new
material will covered during this time.
- Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Inheritance, access permissions,
scope, multiple inheritance, interfaces and abstract classes.
10 |
Mar 15 - 19 |
- First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): open tutorial, the TA will be
available to answer questions and to help with Assignment 4 but no new
material will covered during this time.
- Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Exceptions (handling exceptions
and writing new exception subclasses).
11 |
Mar 22 - 26 |
- First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): going over the implementation of
select methods from Assignment 4.
- Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Introduction to the event-driven
model and some Java GUI classes and Interfaces: Frame, Label,
WindowAdaptor, Button and the layout manager classes.
12 |
Mar 29 - April 2 |
- More on Java GUI's
- File input and output
- Multi-threading in Java
13 |
April 5 - 9 |
- First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): open tutorial, the TA will be
available to answer questions and to help with your assignment but no new
material will covered during this time.
- Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): additional gui classes, packages, collections (ArrayList,
LinkedList, Vector)
14 |
April 12 - 16 |
- Open tutorials this week, the TA will be available to answer
questions and to help with your assignment but no new material will
covered during this time.