Tam, J. (2021) Where's Java? A light-hearted video
illustrating how setting paths for programs such as Java work and why the
path is important.
Tam, J. (2021) Tabulating and visualizing Covid-19
infection data for a non-majors undergraduate computer science lecture, CPSC
Video part 1: Motivations for creating the program and background
Tam, J. (2021) Tabulating and visualizing
Covid-19 infection data for a non-majors undergraduate computer science
lecture, CPSC 203.
Video part 2: Showing the actual program at work.
Tam, J. (2019) A
video illustrating not only how to use a Genaille-Lucas ruler but more
importantly how they work. There are many resources that explain the latter
but nothing that I could find for the former so I created and posted a video
after figuring it out for myself.
Chan, R. (2011) Benefits of information visualization on electronic and
paper-based Patient Care Records in the interpretation of a patient's
medical narrative. An undergraduate research project. [Abstract]
Tam, J., and Greenberg, S.(2006) A Framework for Asynchronous
Change Awareness in Collaborative Documents and Workspaces. International
Journal of Human Computer Studies, 64(7), p583-598,Elsevier.
This paper is an expansion of our earlier CRIWG'04
conference paper. [Abstract]
Shyba, L. and Tam, J. (2005) Developing Character
Personas and Scenarios: Vital Steps in Theatrical Performance HCI-Goal
Directed Design. Creativity and Cognition '05, ACM (April 12-15,
London UK). [Abstract] [Paper]
Tam, J. and Greenberg, S. (2004) A Framework for
Asynchronous Change Awareness in Collaboratively-Constructed Documents.
CRIWG'04 X International Workshop on Groupware, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS Number 3198), Springer Verlag (September 5-9, San Carlos, Costa Rica). [Abstract]
[Paper] [Presentation]
Simpson, C. (2004) Edu-List: Educating Beginners on
Linked Lists. An undergraduate research project. [Abstract]
Shyba, L. (2004): Weapons trainer & combative
choreographer for "Messaging
in the Noosphere". The performance for an M.F.A. thesis.
Lau, E. (2003) Stocks. An undergraduate research project.
[Abstract] [Paper]
Fallin, K. (2003)
Entropy: Managing Data in the Electronic World.An undergraduate research project. [Abstract]
Shehata, S. (2003) Think 3D!An undergraduate research project.
[Abstract] [Paper]
Tam, J. (2002) Supporting Change Awareness in Visual
Workspaces. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of
Calgary, Alberta, February. [Abstract]
Tam, J., McCaffrey, L, Maurer, F. and Greenberg, S. (2000)
Change Awareness in Software Engineering Using Two Dimensional Graphical
Design and Development Tools. Report 2000-670-22, Department of Computer
Science, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October. [Abstract]
Tam, J., Greenberg, S., and Maurer, F. Change
Management. In the Proceedings of the Western Computer Graphics
Symposium 2000, (Panorama Mountain Village, BC, Canada), March 26-29,
2000. [Abstract] [Paper]
The celebration afterwards with my gang! (Fall 2003)