CPSC 231: Assignment 2 (Worth 2%)
New Concepts to be applied for the assignment
- Writing a simple Object-Oriented program.
Determining your lucky number
The requirements for this assignment are
identical to the ones for Assignment 1, except that you must now employ two
classes: 1) A "Driver" class (that contains the main method) 2) Another class,
"Lucky", that implements the operations described in the previous assignment.
In Assignment 1 it was likely that your main method contained all of your
program code. For the second assignment it is likely that your main method will
now just instantiate an instance of class Lucky and perhaps include a few method
calls to an instance of class Lucky:
One approach to the second
assignment: The disadvantage to this approach is that data which probably
should be attributes of class Lucky, such as the various modifiers and the
lucky number itself are not encapsulated with the definition of the class
disallowing the ability to employ Object-Oriented approaches such as
information hiding.
public class Driver
public static void main (String [] args)
int age;
int ageModifier;
Lucky generator = new Lucky ();
: : : :
age =
generator.getAge ();
ageModifier = generator.determineAgeModifier();
// The loop that asks the user if they want to re-run the
program will be in the main method and it will encompass
// all the calls to the methods of class Lucky.
Another (better) approach to the second
public class Driver
public static void main (String [] args)
Lucky generator = new Lucky ();
With this second approach the main loop for the program and the calls to
the different methods of class Lucky are contained in the "start" method of
class Lucky.
public class Lucky
public static final int AGE_DIVISOR
= 101;
: :
private int age;
private int ageModifier:
: :
public void
start ()
getAgeModifier ();
determineAgeModifier ();
// The loop that asks the user if they want to re-run the program will be in
method 'start' and it will encompass all
// the calls to the methods of class Lucky.
public void getAge ()
System.out.print("Enter your age: ");
age = Console.in.readInt ();
public void determineAgeModifier ()
: :
ageModifier = age % AGE_DIVISOR;
: : :
You cannot implement a solution to Assignment 2 that employs only a single
class nor can you implement a solution that uses static methods - aside from the
'main' method and the methods contained in the tio library. (If you don't know what I mean by implementing a program using
only static method calls then that's a good thing - overuse of static methods is
regarded as bad style in terms of
the Object-Oriented approach as you will see later in the term).
Here's a list of some of the constants that you may wish to declare as
'final' attributes of class Lucky:
- MIN_AGE = 0
- MAX_AGE = 114
Here's a list of some of data that you may wish to declare as the
variable attributes of class Lucky:
- Age
- AgeModifier
- Gender
- GenderModifier
- Computer
- ComputerModifier
- RandomSum
- LuckySum
- LuckyNumber
- RerunAnswer
Here are methods that you must implement in class Lucky (you may
wish to implement some additional ones as well):
- Lucky (): A constructor that is used to initialize the variable
attributes of the class.
- Introduction (): A series of output statements that describes to the user
what the program is supposed to do.
- Conclusion (): A "sign off" to tell the user that the program is ending.
- GetAge (): Some output statements that tells the user what
value that he or she
is supposed enter for the age and a statement or statements to get the input.
- DetermineAgeModifier (): Determines the age modifier based on the age that
was entered by the user.
- GetGender (): Some output statements that tells the
user what value that he or she
is supposed enter for their gender and a statement or statements to get the input.
- DetermineGenderModifier (): Determines the gender modifier based on the
value that was entered by the user.
- GetComputer (): Some output statements that tells the
user what value that he or she
is supposed enter for the computer type and a statement or statements to get the input.
- DetermineComputerModifier (): Determines the computer modifier based on
the computer type that was entered by the user.
- CalculateRandomSum (): Uses the random number generator in the Java
classes: Random or Math to determine if 100 should be added or subtracted from
the lucky sum.
- CalculateLuckySum (): Adds together the age, gender and computer modifiers
along with the random sum generated in the previous step.
- DetermineLuckyNumber (): Determines what the lucky number is based on the
lucky sum generated in the previous step.
- DisplayLuckyNumber (): An output statement or series of output statements
to show the user their lucky number.
- CheckRerun (): Check if the user wants to generate another lucky number: some
prompting output statements and a statement or statements to get the input.
- Start (): As the name implies the beginning procedure for the class, it
will likely contain the main loop (that repeats until the user quits the
program) and it will contain most of the calls to the other methods.
Like Assignment 1, there will be three
possible grade levels with this assignment. However, all submissions must
implemented using two classes: a driver class which is the starting point for
the program and class Lucky which implements all the requirements specified for
Assignment 1. To help you out here is a checklist
to make sure that you haven't missed anything.
Other submission requirements
In addition to having fulfill the
generic assignment requirements, the
assignment specific requirements include :
Good coding style and documentation:
They will play a role in determining your final grade
for this assignment. Your grade can be reduced by a letter step or more
(e.g., 'A' to 'A-' for poor programming style such as employing poor naming
conventions for identifiers, insufficient documentation or the use of static
variables or methods). For additional details see the marking
guide for coding style.
Include a README file in your submission: For this assignment
your README file must indicate what grade level has been completed (e.g., 'A')
and which features have been implemented (e.g., "I have implemented all the
features for the 'C' version plus the ability to error check and set a default
value and display an error message for the gender and type of computer which
amounts to a 'B-' submission. This will allow your marker to quickly determine what he or she must
look for and speed up the marking process.
Also you should include
your contact information: your name, university
identification number and UNIX login name so that
your marker knows whose assignment that he or she is marking.
Omitting the necessary information from this
file will result in the loss of a letter 'step' (assuming that the marker can
actually figure out who the assignment belongs to, if it cannot be determined
who the assignment belongs to then no grade will be given for the assignment,
an "F" will be assigned).
Assignments (source code/'dot-java' files and the README file) must be
electronically submitted via submit.
In addition a paper print out of the source
code and README must be handed into the assignment drop box (located on the
second floor of the Math Sciences building) for the tutorial that you are
registered in. Electronically submitting the assignment allows your
marker to run the code in order to quickly determine what features were
implemented. Providing a paper printout makes it easier for your marker
to read and flip through your source code. Omitting the paper version of
the source code file will result in the loss of a letter 'step'.
Omitting the electronic version of your assignment will only allow you to receive a
maximum grade of 'D-' because it's extremely time consuming for your
marker to check every program with a hand trace. I suggest that as you
complete the various features of the assignment that you immediately submit
each version so that if you forget to submit the final version you will at
least have something that your marker can grade because you won't be allowed
to make a submission after the deadline.
As a reminder, you are not allowed to work in groups for this class.
Copying the work of another student will be regarded as academic misconduct
(cheating). For additional details about what is and is not okay for this
class please refer to the following
Sample Executable
You can run the sample byte code file called
'Driver.class' which can be found in Unix in the directory: