Style Marking Guide
Formatting and appearance
Inconsistent or unusual formatting conventions: -1 letter step
Insufficient or grossly excessive use of white space: -1 letter
Inadequate or excessive documentation: -1 letter step. In general
each logic block (loop, function, decision making statement, method and class
should have it's own set of documentation).
No documentation: -3 letter steps (i.e., one full letter grade)
Naming conventions for identifiers (variables, named constants,
functions, procedures, new types)
Program design
The program should be first divided into classes and then into
the methods of each class. Classes should encapsulate a logical set of
attributes and methods. Marks may be lost if this is not done
properly e.g., writing a program with all or most of the program functions
implemented by an all-powerful class: - 1 letter step for
all cases (and not for each case).
Coding style
- Class definitions include static methods or static variables
(constants are typically okay) without a
reasonable justification: -1 letter steps
- Grossly inefficient program code (e.g., cutting and pasting statements
rather than using a loop, declaring large variables inside loop bodies): -1
letter step
Use of a debugging tool e.g., a debugclass with a static attribute
(required for A3 onwards, optional for A1 & A2 because it requires a good
understanding of how static variables work).