Make sure that you carefully read the assignment specifications for each
assignment! (This is a set of general guidelines for all assignments
and each assignment may have a more specific set of things for you to do).
All assignments are due at 3 PM on the due dates listed on the course web
page. Late assignments will not be accepted so make sure that
submit your assignment incrementally (i.e., as you get different parts working
you should submit the current version so if you forget or are unable to submit
your final version before the deadline you'll be able to get at least partial
credit for your work).
Extensions may be granted by the course instructor with the receipt of the
appropriate documentation (e.g., a doctor's note). Tutorial instructors
(TA's) will not be able to provide extension on their own and must receive
permission from the course instructor first.
For all assignments you must provide both an
electronic submission (via
submit) which includes: the
program source code (the file name ends with the
suffix) and a README file.
Also you must hand in a paper printout of your
code and the README file into the appropriate drop box on the second floor of Math
Sciences. The electronic submission is needed so that your marker can
run and test your program while the printout makes it easier to read
the program. Both the
electronic submission and the paper printout are mandatory and
failing to hand ineither by the
due date may result in a failing mark for an assignment.
Information to put on the cover of your paper submission. Including this
information simply makes it easier when your marker hands back your
assignments so he or she doesn't have to keep flipping pages.
Your Name
Information to include on the inside
(second page)of the paper submission. This is the standard contact
information required by your TA to match grades with students so excluding
this information may result in your grade not being recorded properly (i.e.,
you received a zero for the assignment because your TA didn't know who to assign the grade to).
Your Name
Your University Identification Number
The course name (CPSC) and number (233)
The Tutorial that you are registered in
Your TA's name
The Assignment Number
Assignments must reflect individual work,
group work is not allowed in this class nor can you copy the work of others.
For more detailed information as to what constitutes academic misconduct
(i.e., cheating) for this course please read the following