You can find the files containing the examples covered in
tutorial in UNIX under the path /home/219/tutorials or you can browse them via
the web via the following [link].
Week |
Topics covered |
Jan 10 - 16 |
Jan 17 - 23 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Using of the UNIX text editors [Emacs]
- Submitting assignments using D2L: [UC-IT
help link]
- Verifying D2L submission submissions: [My
help link]
- Java programming intro: creating, compiling, interpretting and
executing a program
- Input, output, variables and constants
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- Branches: if, if-else, logical operators
- Loops: for, while
Jan 24 - 30 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
Jan 31 - Feb 6 |
- TAs go over
A1 requirements
- Text-based user-interface example
- Student exercise: implementing method within the design
constraints of an existing program
- Object-Oriented design exercise:
- Chapter 2: determining user interactions via Use cases
- Chapter 3: finding the candidate classes in a program in a
requirements document
- Student exercise: extracting the candidate classes from a
requirements document
Feb 7 - 13 |
- Arrays of simple types
- Arrays of 'objects'
- TAs go over
A2 requirements
- Object-Oriented design exercise:
- Chapter 4: determining class attributes
- Chapter 5: determining class methods
Feb 14 - 20 |
WEEK: No classes (or CT) |
Feb 21 - 27 |
- Shadowing: locals and attributes
- Parameter passing
- 2D arrays of references
- Scoping rules
- The static keyword and using a static debugging tool
Feb 28 - Mar 5 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- 'Open tutorial'. TAs will be available for help and to answer
questions but no new material will be taught (although they may
cover material that they missed covering in the previous week). Any
student from 219 can ask for help during an open tutorial (you don't
have to be registered in that section). Students can also work on
their assignment in the lab.
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- TAs hand back midterm #1 & cover select exam questions
- TAs go over the requirements for
- Method overriding example
Mar 6 - 12 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Arrays of 'objects' review exercise
- TAs go over
A3 requirements
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- Chapter 10: Inheritance, determining parent and child classes
Mar 13 - 19 |
- Casting and hierarchies
- Casting and the instanceof operator
- abstract classes and interfaces
- Student exercises: inheritance coding exercise, inheritance
conceptual exercise
Mar 20 - 26 |
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- 'Open tutorial'. TAs will be available for help and to answer
questions but no new material will be taught (although they may
cover material that they missed covering in the previous week). Any
student from 219 can ask for help during an open tutorial (you don't
have to be registered in that section). Students can also work on
their assignment in the lab.
March 25:
Good Friday, no classes (or CT) |
Mar 27 - Apr 2 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- TAs go over A4 requirements
- Working from home:
drive mapping
- GUI examples and exercises
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- GUI examples and exercises
April 3 - 9 |
- TAs go over
mini-A5 and A5
- Linked lists
- Recursion example
- Exercises
April 10 - 16 |
'Open tutorial'. TAs will be available for help and to answer
questions but no new material will be taught (although they may
cover material that they missed covering in the previous week). Any
student from 219 can ask for help during an open tutorial (you don't
have to be registered in that section). Students can also work on
their assignment in the lab. |