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Non-graphical ways of working with Xemacs or Emacs (summary of common commands by James Tam)

While these commands should work with emacs or xemacs, the only time it is essential for you to use them is when you work remotely (login to the computer science computers from a non-computer science computer).

Desired action

Key combination to carry out the desired action

Starting Xemacs/emacs  xemacs/emacs <name of file>
Save your file <control>-<x> <control>-<s>
Save your file under a different name <control>-<x> <control>-<w>
Save your file and quit emacs    <control>-<x> <control>-<c>
Insert a file into emacs <control>-<x> <i>
Move down one page   <control>-<v>
Move up one page   <esc>-<v>
Cut out the remainder of a line (from cursor on)   <control>-<k>
Paste back what you cut out   <control>-<y>
Search file (forwards)  <control>-<s>*
Search file (backwards)   <control>-<r>*
Get rid of the help window    <control>-<x> or just <q>
Redraw emacs (if the display gets messed up) <control>-<l>
Spell check   <esc>-<$>

*Type in what you want to search for at bottom of page.