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Some commonly used UNIX commands (James Tam)

Desired action 

UNIX command to carry out that action

Change your password  passwd
List contents of current directory ls
Moving to another directory   cd <directory name or path>
Determining your location in UNIX pwd
Making a new directory  mkdir <name of directory to create>
Copying a file  cp <name of original file> <name of copy>
Renaming a file mv <oldfilename> <newfilename>
Removing a file rm <name of file>
Remove (an empty) directory - use rm to empty the files from a directory first rmdir <directory name>     
Read online user manuals (UNIX commands) man <name of command>
To display the contents of a file cat <name of file>
Display the contents of a file a page at a time  more <name of file>
Printing a file   lpr <name of file>*
Looking at the printer queue  lpq
Creating a new text file xemacs <filename>   OR emacs <filename>
Spell checking a file       spell <name of file>
Checking your disk quota quota
Clearing the screen  clear
Quitting from Unix  logout
Saving your command line interactions to a file script

*Always pay close attention to what you are printing (i.e., don't print non-text files via the lpr command such as images, audio files, movie files or even the course notes)