Topics covered
Sept 6 - 12
No tutorials
Sept 13 - 19
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Quickie intro into creating a Java program on the
CPSC network
- Input/output
- Variables
- Branches
- Loops
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
Review: basic UNIX command line commands [Reference:
Common Unix commands]
Review: using a simple UNIX text editor [Reference:
useful Emacs commands]
Submitting assignments using D2L: [UC-IT
help link]
Sept 20 - 26
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- How to work from home using a remote login
program e.g. Putty
- Transferring work from your CPSC to your personal
computer (e.g. for backups or printing)
- Switch statement: using and misusing the
- 1D arrays in Java
Sept 27 - Oct 3
- Detailed discussion of requirements for A1 (only
a quick overview will be provided in lecture)
- Debugging techniques
- Creating and using a text-based user-interface
A1 due Oct 2
Oct 4 -
(You can ask questions about A2
but because it should be pretty straight forward the TA's won't
explicitly go over the requirements).
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Going from program
requirements to choosing classes (with exercise): finding candidate
classes via 'nouns', determining relationships, UML class diagrams
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- Parameter passing
- Wrapper classes
- Arrays of references
- 2D arrays
- Discussion of requirements
for mini-A3
- A2 due Oct 9
Oct 11 -
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday)
- Monday: Thanksgiving holiday, no classes or CT
runs today
- Tuesday: 'open tutorial'. TAs will be
available for help and to answer questions but no new material will
be taught (although they may cover material that they missed
covering in the previous week. Any student from 233 can ask for help
during an open tutorial (you don't have to be registered in that
section). Students can also work on their assignment in the lab.
Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday)
- Finding the methods and attributes of classes
(continued from the previous week)
Oct 18 -
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday)
- Discussion of requirements for A3
Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday)
- Static attributes and methods
- Debugging flags
- Review questions
Oct 25 -
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday)
- Open tutorial: TA's won't be teaching new
material but they will be available for help (students can go to any
233 tutorial for help and not just the one that they are registered
Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday)
- Introducing inheritance: extends,
- ATM design exercise employing an inheritance
A3 due Oct 27
Nov 1 -
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday)
- Description of requirements for Assignment 4
- Midterms will be returned at the end of the
Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday)
- Casting and inheritance
- The instaneof
- Select midterm questions
Nov 8 -
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday)
- Open tutorial: TA's won't be teaching new
material but they will be available for help (students can go to any
233 tutorial for help and not just the one that they are registered
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday)
Reading Days: November 11 - 14.
No lectures, tutorials or labs (for this course it refers to CT
time) held during these days.
A4 due Nov 10
Nov 15 -
- Discussion of requirements for A5
- Graphical user interfaces:
- Example 1: JButton (specifically
identifying controls via 'actionCommand')
- Example 2: controls affecting other
controls (MyFrame is a Button listener), JTextField (single line
input control)
Graphical user interfaces:
- Example 3: Swing components with graphical
icons (ImageIcon), changing visual attributes of GUI controls, the
GridBagConstraints layout manager, introducing Java threads (pause a
Example 4: JTextArea &
JScrollPane, GridBagLayout & GridBagConstraints, adding components
to GridBag with a generic addWidget method.
Nov 22 -
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday)
- File input and output, exceptions
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday)
- Open tutorial: TA's won't be teaching new
material but they will be available for help (students can go to any
233 tutorial for help and not just the one that they are registered
A5 due Nov 27
Nov 29 -
Dec 5
- Discussion of A6
- Linked lists
- Recursion
Dec 6 -
- (Tutorials will likely be
- A6 due Dec 8