Introduction to Computer Science II by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 233: Bonus Assignment (Worth an additional 3%)

New concepts to be applied in this assignment

  1. Dynamic memory allocation using a linked list

Assignment description

The requirements for this assignment are identical to the third assignment except you must implement your program via a linked list of unlimited size rather than a fixed size array.  You will lose a grade of one letter 'step' for imposing some arbitrary limit on the size of the list.  Similar to Assignment 3 you cannot use pre-created link list code for this assignment, in order to get credit you have to write your own linked list code.


Grades for working assignments:

The grade levels for this assignment are identical to the ones in the third assignment (it's only the implementation that differs). To help you out here is a checklist to make sure that you haven't missed anything.


Grades for non-functional assignments

D level assignment

The student has invested considerable work in the assignment1 and the code compiles but it doesn't fulfill any of the above requirements.

D- level assignment

The student has invested considerable work in the assignment1 but it doesn't compile.


Other submission requirements

In addition to having fulfill the generic assignment requirements the requirements specific to this assignment include:

  1. Good coding style and documentation:  They will play a role in determining your final grade for this assignment.  Your grade can be reduced by a letter step or more (e.g., 'A' to 'A-' for poor programming style such as employing poor naming conventions for identifiers, insufficient documentation or the use of static variables or methods).  For additional details see the marking guide for coding style.

  2. Include a README file in your submission:  For this assignment your README file must indicate what grade level has been completed (e.g., 'A') and which features have been implemented This will allow your marker to quickly determine what he or she must look for and speed up the marking process.  Also you should include your contact information: your name, university identification number and UNIX login name so that your marker knows whose assignment that he or she is marking.  Omitting the necessary information from this file will result in the loss of a letter 'step' (assuming that the marker can actually figure out who the assignment belongs to, if it cannot be determined who the assignment belongs to then no grade will be given for the assignment, an 'F' will be assigned).

  3. Assignments (source code/'dot-java' files and the README file) must be electronically submitted via submit.  In addition a paper print out of the source code and README must be handed into the assignment drop box (located on the second floor of the Math Sciences building) for the tutorial that you are registered in.  Electronically submitting the assignment allows your marker to run the code in order to quickly determine what features were implemented.  Providing a paper printout makes it easier for your marker to read and flip through your source code.  Omitting the paper version of the source code file will result in the loss of a letter 'step'.  Omitting the electronic version of your assignment will only allow you to receive a maximum grade of 'D-' because it's too time consuming for your marker to check every program with a hand trace.  I suggest that as you complete the various features of the assignment that you immediately submit each version so if you forget to submit the final version you will at least have something that your marker can grade because you won't be allowed to submit anything after the deadline.

  4. As a reminder, you are not allowed to work in groups for this class.   Copying the work of another student will be regarded as academic misconduct (cheating).  For additional details about what is and is not okay for this class please refer to the following link.


Relevant Files

You can run the sample byte code file called 'Lucky.class' which can be found in Unix in the directory: /home/233/assignments/assignment3

1  What does and doesn't constitute a sufficient amount of time and effort?  It's a judgment call on the part of your marker.  More often than not if you put in a reasonable amount of effort into your assignment and for some reason you just couldn't get it to work then you will receive some credit for your work.   An example of when you wouldn't receive credit is when you simply handed someone else's work.  This latter case assumes that you properly cited the other person's work, if you didn't cite your source and tried to claim that it was your own work then it would be an example of academic misconduct (cheating).