Introduction to Computer Science II by James Tam | Return to the course web page |
The user will have the ability to add a new contact or delete an existing contact. When the user is finished working with his or her contacts list, the program can be shut down by closing the window.
When the program is run it will display the frame which contains the graphical controls (2 labels, 2 buttons, a list and text field) and those controls are laid out roughly the same fashion shown in the picture. To get full credit for the basic submission the graphical controls do not have to be working (at this point it is just an 'empty' interface).
Implementing each of the features listed below will result in a grade increase of one letter 'step' for each feature implemented up to a maximum grade of A+. Except as noted below you are free to implement the features in whatever order that you desire. |
1 |
The window can be closed by pressing the close window control. |
2 |
The user can remove a contact from the list by selecting the contact and pressing the remove button. |
3 |
Text that is entered into the text field will be added to the end of the list as a contact when the add button is pressed. |
4 |
Text that is entered into the text field will be added to the end of the list as a contact when the cursor (focus) is in the text field and the user hits enter. |
5 |
The title bar of the frame indicates to the user when an existing contact was removed (feature 2 must be implemented prior to implementing this feature). The message in the title bar will remain for a few seconds and then the text in the title bar will revert back to what was originally there. Because you won't have learned how to write a timer, the interface will "lock" during this period of time and will not accept any input from the user. |
6 |
In a fashion similar to the previous feature the title bar of the frame will temporarily display a status message when a new contact is added to the list (feature 3 or 4 must be implemented first). |
D level assignment
The student has invested considerable work in the assignment2 and the code compiles but it doesn't fulfill any of the above requirements.
D- level assignment
The student has invested considerable work in the assignment2 but it doesn't compile.
1 | While you are allowed to implement your assignment using either the classes in the newer Swing packages or the older AWT packages, officially we will be providing support only for AWT. That means that if are using SWING and get stuck then you may be one your own. Also you need to know how the code in the AWT package works for the final exam. |
2 | What does and doesn't constitute a sufficient amount of time and effort? It's a judgment call on the part of your marker. More often than not if you put in a reasonable amount of effort into your assignment and for some reason you just couldn't get it to work then you will receive some credit for your work. An example of when you wouldn't receive credit is when you simply handed someone else's work. This latter case assumes that you properly cited the other person's work, if you didn't cite your source and tried to claim that it was your own work then it would be an example of academic misconduct (cheating). |