Introduction to Computer Science II by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 233: Assignment 4 (Worth 10%)

New concepts to be applied in this assignment

  1. Designing and implementing a moderately sized program
  2. Relationships between classes
  3. Message passing




It's hard to believe but the 'Trek' franchise © has been around for over 40 years.  Production of the first  episode "The Cage" began in late 1964.   It was given a budget of $640,000 by NBC and produced by Desilu Studios (which was later taken over by Paramount).   Since that historic date, Star Trek has become a part of television and motion picture history and includes six TV series, ten motion pictures (with an eleventh movie in the works) and at least two Trek-themed vacation spots: Vulcan Alberta and Star Trek, the experience in Las Vegas.  


Your mission for this assignment

For this assignment you are to implement a simple text based Star Trek game (Figure 1).   The Trek galaxy (i.e., the quarter of our galaxy known as the "Alpha quadrant") will be modeled with a ten-by-ten two-dimensional array of references.  Each array element (called a "sector") will either be null (representing empty space) or contain a reference to a 'Starship'.   Starships will be represented either by the 'H' character (which is the ship that is controlled by the human player) or a 'C' (for the three computer-controlled ships).   When the game starts, the human player's starship will always start off in the same location, the "Sol sector" (0,0).    The coordinates of the three computer-controlled ships will be randomly determined.

Figure 1: Your mission, re-create the Trek universe.


A quick introduction to the Trek universe

You don't have to be die-hard Trek fan to complete all the features of this assignment (although you might enjoy it more if you were :-)).  Here's a brief introduction to the relevant parts so that you know how things work enough to get started on the assignment.

Starships are equipped with a faster-than-light engines known as "warp drive".  In terms of the game a ship can move into one of the adjacent sectors (Figure 2).   Even with warp engines a ship still cannot leave the bounds of the galaxy (i.e., exceed the bounds of the array).

Figure 2: Warp drive can take a ship to any adjacent sector

Each starship is equipped with a powerful (~1 Gigawatt) energy beam weapon called 'phasers'.   Phasers can be used by the human player to attack the computer-controlled ships or vice-versa (see Figure 3 to see some phasers in action).

Figure 3: A starship firing its phasers

Phasers have a limited range: only the ships in the adjacent sectors can be targeted.  In the example shown in Figure 1 the ships are too far away to shoot at each other.   In Figure 4, the ship controlled by the human player at (1, 0) and the computer-controlled ship at (2, 0) are the only ships that can target each other with phasers.  Computer-controlled ships will only target the ship controlled by the human player and never each other (or itself).  The ship controlled by the human player can never target itself.

Figure 4: Phasers have a limited range.

For defense starships are equipped with a energy shield, or 'shields' for short,  that protects it from phaser hits (see Figure 5).  A ship's shields can absorb a great deal of attacks before the energy in the shields dissipate, when the shields 'fall' or "go down".  After that phaser hits will directly damage the ship's hull.  The hull of a ship can only absorb a limited amount of damage before it's destroyed.

Figure 5: A direct phaser hit on the shields Captain!

Units for the phasers, shield and hull strength are measured in terms of 'points'.   The number of points available for each of the ship's systems in this version of the Trek game will be as follows:

Phaser damage is first deducted from the shields (until they reach a value of zero) and then from the hull.    When the hull value of a ship reaches zero (or less) the ship is destroyed and it's removed from the galaxy (that sector becomes empty).

To help illustrate how combat in this works let's use the following example: we've played the game for period of time and we're faced with the following situation shown in Figure 6.  

Figure 6

At the beginning of turn we have the following statistics for the 3 starships:

Human player

Defensive system Points
Shields 925
Hull 400

Computer ship #1 (above right)

Defensive system Points
Shields 3236
Hull 400

Computer ship #2 (right)

Defensive system Points
Shields 12
Hull 400

The human's starship targets the starship to its immediate right (Computer ship #2) and inflicts 792 points of damage.  The damage is deducted first from that ship's shields leaving 780 points.  The shield points for Computer ship #2 is now at zero (its shields are down).  Since the remaining 780 points of phaser damage exceeds the 400 hull points for Computer ship #2 that ship has been destroyed.   ("Got him sir!")

However because attacks occur simultaneously while the phaser beams for the human player's ship are hitting the computer player's ships, the computer controlled ships are also shooting back.   Suppose that Computer ship #1 phasers generates a mere 107 points of damage while Computer ship #2 hits back at 880 points for a total of a whopping 987 points.  Again the phaser damage is deducted from the shields until the shields fall.  In this case the ship controlled by the human player absorb a total of 925 points of damage before failing leaving 62 points of damage that effect the hull leaving it with 338 points.  So at the end of this round we are left with the following:

Human player

Defensive system Points
Shields Down
Hull 338

Computer ship #1

Defensive system Points
Shields 3236
Hull 400

Computer ship #2

Defensive system Points
Shields Down
Hull Destroyed

Time will pass in the game in the form of turns (when the human and computer players can move their ships and attack).  Each turn will be broken into a number of sub-turns (some of the actions available in the sub-turns will be implemented as extra rather than basic features):

  1. The computer controlled ships move.
  2. The galaxy is displayed.
  3. The human player can move his or her ship (the move menu is displayed).  Cheat options can be invoked but the use of the cheat menu will not result in time passing (the game will still remain at this sub-turn when the cheat menu is exited).
  4. The galaxy is displayed.
  5. The players can attack each other's ships (extra feature).  Cheat options can be invoked but again the use of the cheat menu will not result in time passing.   After this sub-turn ends the game proceeds to the next turn (restart the list at sub-turn number one, move the computer controlled ships).

The game will continue running on a turn-by-basis until the player quits the game, the game has been won (extra feature) or the game has been lost (extra feature).


Grading: Working submissions

To help you out here is a checklist to make sure that you haven't missed anything.

Basic submission (C+):  

  1. Your program includes all of the required classes (although not all the methods may be fully implemented).  See the heading "Classes for this assignment" for a detailed description.
  2. Classes are instantiated and properly initialized e.g., For class galaxy the human player always starts off in the Sol sector while the starting positions for the computer controlled ships is randomly determined but the appropriate array elements of the galaxy are set.
  3. The program displays the galaxy with each array element bound: above, below, left and right by a numbered grid (as shown in Figure 1).
  4. The program displays the three menus: the movement menu, the attack menu and the cheat menu. 

Options that will be displayed by the movement menu (appears during the movement sub-turn).

(m)ove ship

(p)ass on the movement phase

(q)uit the game

The movement feature must be implemented in the fashion described in point #5 below.  Passing on the movement phase will result in time passing and the game proceeding to the next sub-turn.  Quitting the game will end the program with neither the win or lose game scenario occurring.


Options that will be displayed by the attack menu (appears during the attack sub-turn):

(a)ttack an adjacent ship

(p)ass on the attack phase

(q)uit the game

          The attack option is an extra feature and is not required for the basic version of the assignment.  Passing on the attack phase will result in time passing in the game.


Options that will be displayed by the cheat menu (it can be invoked through a hidden option from either the attack or the movement menus):

(c)heat mode on

(d)ebug mode on

(i)mpossible mode on

(e)xit the cheat menu (and return the menu that invoked it - attack or movement).

The ability to turn the cheat and the impossible modes on and off are not required for the basic version of the assignment and counted as extra features.  Turning on debug mode will result in various debugging messages being displayed (their exact content is left up to your discretion).  Exiting the cheat menu will return the player back to the appropriate menu that the cheat menu was invoked from (attack or movement).  By itself the invocation of the cheat menu will not result in time passing (the game will not automatically proceed to the next sub-turn when the cheat menu has been exited).

  1. The human player's ship can warp to any adjacent square that is unoccupied.  The movement direction will be mapped to the numerical keypad keys (and should be displayed as such to the player):
    7 = Move up and left 8 = Move up 9 = Move up and right
    4 = Move left 5 = Cancel move 6 = Move right
    1 = Move down and left 2 = Move down 3 = Move down and right

    The player should not be allowed to move their ship onto an occupied square (no ramming) nor should the ship be allowed to move outside the bounds of the galaxy.


  2. The computer controlled ships randomly move to an unoccupied adjacent square (one in nine chance of staying on the same square).

Missing an of these features will result in the loss of a letter 'step' for each of the six listed features that are missed (down to a minimum grade of 'D-' for assignment in which a substantial amount of work was put in).

Classes for this assignment

Your program must implement the classes shown below.  Note: The list of attributes and mandatory behaviors are not meant to be as an exhaustive list (I had many more than the ones shown below and it is likely to be the same for your program).  Also to shorten things I excluded the obvious methods that are needed such as accessor and mutator methods as well as the constructors.

  1. class Trek: This is starting point for your program (contains the main method).  Aside from declaring a few local instances of some of the other classes and calling some of their methods, the definition for this class should be very short.

  1. Galaxy:  Models all information associated with the Galaxy.



  1. StarShip:  For this game there will be four instances of this class: 3 that are controlled by the computer and 1 that is controlled by the human player.



  1. CommandProcessor: This class is responsible for getting input from the user and for displaying the menus of options that are available at a particular point in the game.   Methods of this class take different actions based on the user's input by invoking the methods of the other classes (sending them messages).



In addition your program must include my GameStatus class (or you must write an equivalent class yourself).

public class GameStatus


        /* Required attributes */

        public static boolean debugModeOn;

        public static boolean cheatModeOn;

        public static boolean impossibleModeOn;

        public static boolean gameWon;

        public static boolean gameLost;


Required attributes.

Optional attributes.

Of course if one these optional attributes is true then the other cannot be true.  They can be used in different parts of your program to determine if it is time to end the game.

Extra features (implementing each feature increases your grade by one letter step, completing all these features can yield a grade of "A+")

Unless otherwise stated the extra features can be completed in whatever combination and order that you desire.

Feature 1:  Implement the 'impossible' level of difficultly in the cheat menu.  When the game is set to this difficultly level, the computer-controlled ships will no longer move in a random fashion but instead will move towards the player's ship (unless another computer controlled ship is in the way).  Turning off the impossible difficulty level will result in the computer-controlled ships going back to a random pattern of movement.  The game should indicate to the player when it is in impossible mode.

Feature 2: Implement the attack option in the attack menu so that the human player can attack an adjacent computer controlled ship.  Use the same directional grid that you used for movement to show the player the attack directions.

Feature 3: Computer controlled ships can attack the human player's ship if it's adjacent.

Feature 4 (Feature 2 must be implemented first): The game will check if the win game condition has occurred after the attack phase.  If all three computer controlled ships have been destroyed then the game will end a suitable congratulatory message should  be displayed.

Feature 5 (Feature 3 must be implemented first): The game will check if the lose game condition has occurred after the attack phase.  If ship controlled by the human player has been destroyed then the game will end a suitable consolation message should  be displayed.

Feature 6 (Feature 3 must be implemented first): Implement the 'cheat mode' option in the cheat menu.  There are two approaches that you can take.  When the cheat mode is on the computer controlled ships can either appear to attack the player's ship with no apparent effect (it appears invulnerable) or the computer controlled ships simply won't attack the player's ship during the attack phase.  When cheat mode is turned off any adjacent computer controlled ships will resume their attacks.  The game should indicate to the player when it is in cheat mode.

Feature 7: Only show the attack menu when the human player's ship is adjacent to a computer controlled ship.  If this is not the case then the attack phase and second display of the galaxy should be skipped.


Grades for non-functional assignments

D level assignment

The student has invested considerable work in the assignment1 and the code compiles but it doesn't fulfill any of the above requirements.

D- level assignment

The student has invested considerable work in the assignment1 but it doesn't compile.


Other submission requirements

In addition to having fulfill the generic assignment requirements the requirements specific to this assignment include:

  1. Good coding style and documentation:  They will play a role in determining your final grade for this assignment.  Your grade can be reduced by a letter step or more (e.g., 'A' to 'A-' for poor programming style such as employing poor naming conventions for identifiers, insufficient documentation or the use of static variables or methods).  For additional details see the marking guide for coding style.

  2. Include a README file in your submission:  For this assignment your README file must indicate what grade level has been completed (e.g., 'A') and which features have been implemented This will allow your marker to quickly determine what he or she must look for and speed up the marking process.  Also you should include your contact information: your name, university identification number and UNIX login name so that your marker knows whose assignment that he or she is marking.  Omitting the necessary information from this file will result in the loss of a letter 'step' (assuming that the marker can actually figure out who the assignment belongs to, if it cannot be determined who the assignment belongs to then no grade will be given for the assignment, an 'F' will be assigned).

  3. Assignments (source code/'dot-java' files and the README file) must be electronically submitted via email (to me and your TA).  In addition a paper print out of the source code and README must be handed into the assignment drop box (located on the second floor of the Math Sciences building) for the tutorial that you are registered in.  Electronically submitting the assignment allows your marker to run the code in order to quickly determine what features were implemented.  Providing a paper printout makes it easier for your marker to read and flip through your source code.  Omitting the paper version of the source code file will result in the loss of a letter 'step'.  Omitting the electronic version of your assignment will only allow you to receive a maximum grade of 'D-' because it's too time consuming for your marker to check every program with a hand trace.  I suggest that as you complete the various features of the assignment that you immediately submit each version so if you forget to submit the final version you will at least have something that your marker can grade because you won't be allowed to submit anything after the deadline.

  4. As a reminder, you are not allowed to work in groups for this class.   Copying the work of another student will be regarded as academic misconduct (cheating).  For additional details about what is and is not okay for this class please refer to the following link.


Relevant Files

You can run the sample byte code file called 'Trek.class' which can be found in Unix in the directory: /home/233/assignments/assignment4

1  What does and doesn't constitute a sufficient amount of time and effort?  It's a judgment call on the part of your marker.  More often than not if you put in a reasonable amount of effort into your assignment and for some reason you just couldn't get it to work then you will receive some credit for your work.   An example of when you wouldn't receive credit is when you simply handed someone else's work.  This latter case assumes that you properly cited the other person's work, if you didn't cite your source and tried to claim that it was your own work then it would be an example of academic misconduct (cheating).


Future add-on that may apply for Assignment 5:

These are some things to keep in mind as you design this program because if you make your program too specific for this assignment without considering possible future extensions then you may have to rewrite major sections of your Assignment 4 code.

  1. Travel is possible at speeds faster than warp (thus extending their movement range each turn).
  2. Cloaking devices have been invented (the invisibility allows opponents to attack before the defender can react).
  3. Opponents can adapt their shields to your weapon attacks (so your phasers do less and less damage to them over time).
  4. Weapons have been developed that can penetrate shields (and directly damage a ship's hull).
  5. Ships are equipped with regenerative shielding (each turn the shields will increase in points if they are below their maximum value).

Note: The use of the Star Trek © trademark was for educational purposes only and not meant as a copy write challenge.