CPSC 481: Foundations of HCI |
James Tam (instructor) |
An additional resource: A description of the task-centered process and how each part of that process may look in your portfolio.
This project is a hands-on exercise on task-centered design and prototyping, which is the first step in an iterative User-Centered System Design. Fundamentally, this means that you begin your design by getting to know the intended users, their tasks, and the working context of their actions. Only then do you consider what the actual system design should look like, because you would base the design on real people, real tasks, and real needs. User-Centered System Design is not an academic process where some cookbook formula can be applied. Nor is it an intuitive process where a programmer can sit in their office and think they know what the user and their tasks are. Rather, it is a hands-on process that requires you to go out and identify actual users, talk to them about what tasks they are trying to do, and understand the entire context of their work. You then base your designs on this information. Because it's only normal for your initial designs will be crude and riddled with usability problems, you will have to identify potential problems by continually evaluating your design and by crafting new designs. This is called iterative design (recall the design-implementation-evaluation cycle).
In this assignment, you will begin your iterative design of a particular system (see Appendix 3 for project ideas) using Task-Centered System Design methods and low fidelity prototyping techniques. Reminder: You are welcome to pick a project other than the ones listed but you must first clear it with me. Choose carefully because this will be the project that you implement in the third assignment. (You can change projects between the first and third assignments but you will need to do a bit of extra work to investigate the background for the project). The immediate purpose of Assignment 1 is to give you experience at:
The outcome of the assignment on Task-Centered System Design is a design portfolio containing:
You will work with two others from your tutorial section. The idea of working with others is to get alternate design ideas, multiple ways of looking at things, and more breadth at eliciting and interpreting evaluations. It is your responsibility to find team members that you can work with. Because you will be presenting parts of your assignment during tutorial time all group members must be registered in the same tutorial.
Note that if this were being done "for real", the best team would have people from diverse backgrounds, which will give the team different perspectives on the problem. For example, a real team could comprise a project manager, a marketing person, a programmer, a representative end user, and/or a help desk person who regularly deals with end users.
Your group will deliver a system design and discussion portfolio written to the imaginary Vice President of Usability of your company (~15 - 20 pages plus Appendices. This is only an approximate figure, for this course it's quality and not quantity that counts!). The portfolio will include the following sections.
You will be asked to present sample tasks (~1 - 2) and requirements in tutorial as well as providing some additional information to set the stage for your project. It is up to you group as to how you wish to present things (e.g., using the overhead projector - although writing the tasks out by hand will probably take too long so you should have some prepared for your presentation).
A note on the Portfolio. The portfolio is intended to document the progression of your design, which includes your final project. Your portfolio must be neat, well-organized, and visually appealing. Portfolios should be constructed out of a 1" or smaller 3-ring binder (your TA will not appreciate having to carry around larger binders). Your portfolio should also use titled section separators (the index kind) to separate the major sections. The outside cover of the portfolio should include the names of all the group members and the title of the project. Inside the first page of binder list all names of group members along with each person's respective email address. The second page should be a table of contents which is followed by your grading sheet and the content of the respective sections.
A note on the grading. Grading will be based upon the sophistication and maturity of the work, the logic of the written and oral presentations, and the completeness of the work. Although it would be nice to have truly elegant designs at this stage we are focusing more how well you completely and objectively evaluate your designs. More than likely you will make major redesign changes when you return to your project for Assignment 3.
In this step, you interview knowledgeable people about their real-world tasks and observe them doing their tasks. Your goal is to generate an initial list of concrete task descriptions (see Appendix 1).
Depending upon your situation, you may or may not be able to access your real clients in the short amount of time available before tutorial presentations. Consequently, each team should select the approach below that best fits their constraints and team membership.
For whatever approach you chose to employ, make sure that you complete the following steps. If you have a client and/or representative, you would complete these steps with them. If you are "making it up", try to imagine as realistic a situation as possible.
At this point, you will have a set of concrete, detailed examples of tasks that people now perform, or would want to perform on your system. Each task description should have the attributes described in the Appendix 1 and the lecture.
The next step is to get a reality check of your task list. Have end-users and/or client representatives review your tasks. They should check to see if the set of people are representative of potential end-users of your product, if tasks capture the variations of those done by real people, and if details are realistic (they will be, if they are based on real people!). You should ask for details that were left out of the original task description, get corrections, clarifications, and suggestions, and then re-write the task descriptions.
Reminder: This step is especially critical if you used a client representative, alternative (ii) or just your group members, alternative (iii) instead of a real user. While it may not be possible for you to interview and observe many real users, you can probably get one to comment on a compiled list of prototypical tasks.
The task examples will provide clues on specific system requirements that you could use to design your system as well as who your target users will be. Because it is unrealistic to meet all requirements and address all users, it is your job to prioritize them. From the task examples (and possibly by further discussion with end users), decide upon the major system requirements and prioritize them into a) absolutely must include; b) should include; c) could include; and d) exclude. Similarly, decide upon what kind of users you must address, as well as those that you will exclude.
From the task examples and requirements, your team should sketch out several competing interfaces. Discuss and choose the most promising of these, and develop a low-fidelity prototype (using storyboards or Pictive methodology) that demonstrates how the interface fulfills the requirements. See Appendix 2.
Specifically, use the key users, their tasks, and the prioritized requirements as a type of requirements document to help you brainstorm prototypes that illustrate how your system would appear to the user. You should be creating low fidelity prototypes e.g., paper sketches, storyboards, or Pictive (you can try a different method for each prototype if you are really keen!). You should not be concentrating on prettiness or completeness; rather, you are trying to show the overall interaction style of your system. Each prototype should contain the core screens that illustrate how the system will work as a whole, including a sample interaction based upon some of the key tasks.
Hint: To get diversity, each group member may want to try to create a few rough sketches before gathering as a group. You should also realize that some people may be better at this than others; this is not supposed to be a competition!
Test the prototype for usability bugs (problems, faults, weaknesses) by performing a task-centered walkthrough.