Appendix 3:Design Ideas or Design Situations
This page lists a few possible system situations that you may want to use for
starting your design project. Of course, many other projects are possible.
You may suggest your own project with the permission of the course instructor
(not the tutorial TA).
Important: Ideal projects are ones that you
personally find interesting. These projects will have users you can talk to,
requires some transaction processing, and will require a modest level of design
sophistication. Ideal projects will also deal with fairly simple
situations - avoid overly complex domains (that rules out air-traffic control systems
:-) ) and ones that will allow you access to the users and their place of usage. Ideal projects will also be something you can relate to. Look at things
that you and your friends do (e.g., in part-times jobs), or that family members
do (e.g., as part of their work). Also, consider non-work fields: recreation;
systems for kids; education; games! Be creative! Have fun! The
only blanket constraint that I have is that the system cannot be
web-based. In terms of interface design web-based systems have their own
unique constraints and design principles so it would simply be too difficult.
Some ideas.
Your company is about to design, build, and market a new software system based upon one
of the following ideas: