Course Coordinator

CPSC 219 W25 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies II

Lecture 01 - Dr. Leanne Wu
Lecture 01 - Steve Sutcliffe, M.Sc.

CPSC 233 W25 : Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors II

Lecture 01 - Dr. James Tam
Lecture 02 - Dr. Mahmoud Alfadel
Lecture 03 - Dr. James Tam

CPSC 219 W24 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies II

Lecture 01 - Dr. Leanne Wu

CPSC 233 W24 : Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors II

Lecture 01 - Steve Sutcliffe
Lecture 02 - Parisa Daeijavad, PhD Student
Lecture 03 - Dr. Farhad Maleki

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

CPSC 383 W25 : Explorations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


CPSC 501 W25 : Advanced Programming Techniques


CPSC 383 F24 : Explorations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


CPSC 433 F24 : Artificial Intelligence


CPSC 217 S24 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I (Dual Credit)


CPSC 393 W24: Metacognition in Self-directed Learning Methodologies

Co-Instructor - Dr. Nathaly Verwaal

CPSC 457 W24: Principles of Operating Systems


CPSC 219 F23 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies II


CPSC 217 S23 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I (Dual Credit)


CPSC 217 W23 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I


CPSC 433 F22 : Artificial Intelligence


CPSC 501 F22 : Advanced Programming Techniques


CPSC 233 W22 : Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors II


DATA 201 W22 : Thinking with Data


CPSC 231 F21 : Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors I


CPSC 217 S21 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I (Dual Credit)


CPSC 231 S21 : Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors I


DATA 201 W21 : Thinking with Data


CPSC 217 F20 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I


CPSC 501 F20 : Advanced Programming Techniques


Sessional Instructor

CPSC 413 S20: Design and Analysis of Algorithms I

CPSC 319 W20: Data Structures, Algorithms, and Their Applications

CPSC 457 W20: Principles of Operating Systems

CPSC 231 F19: Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors I

CPSC 501 F19 : Advanced Programming Techniques

CPSC 413 S19 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms I

COMP 1502 W19 : Programming II: Object Oriented Programming (Mount Royal University)

COMP 2511 W19 : Web I: Client Development (Mount Royal University)

CPSC 231 S18 : Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors I

CPSC 217 W18 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I

Teaching Assistant

CPSC 531 F17 : Systems Modelling And Simulation

Dr. Carey Williamson
CPSC 531 Tutorial 01

CPSC 217 F17 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I

Dr. Ben Stephenson
CPSC 217 Tutorial 05

CPSC 217 W17 : Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I

Dr. Ben Stephenson

CPSC 433 F15 : Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Jörg Denzinger
CPSC 433 Tutorial 01/02

CPSC 567/609 W15 : Foundations of Multi-Agent Systems

Dr. Jörg Denzinger
CPSC 567/609 Tutorial 01

TA in Residence F14

Jonathan Hudson

CPSC 567/609 W14 : Foundations of Multi-Agent Systems

Dr. Jörg Denzinger
CPSC 567/609 Tutorial 01

CPSC 567/609 W13 : Foundations of Multi-Agent Systems

Dr. Jörg Denzinger
CPSC 567/609 Tutorial 01

CPSC 567/609 W12 : Foundations of Multi-Agent Systems

Dr. Jörg Denzinger
CPSC 567/609 Tutorial 01

CPSC 331 F11 : Data Structures, Algorithms, and Their Analysis

Dr. Majid Ghaderi
Tutorial 01

CPSC 331 W11 : Information Structures I

Dr. Majid Ghaderi
Tutorial 01/02

CPSC 335 W10 : Information Structures II

Dr. Marina Gavrilova
Tutorial 02

CPSC 331 F09 : Information Structures I

Dr. Wayne Eberly
Tutorial 02