Assistant Professor (Teaching) at the University of Calgary since July 2020.
2022 Student Union Teaching Excellence Award (Faculty of Science)
Previously an sessional instructor at the University of Calgary Winter 2018 to Spring 2020 and at Mount Royal University in the Winter of 2019.
Received a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Calgary 2019. This thesis The Ph.D. thesis was titled "Evaluating the Emergent Effects of (Multiple) Security Mechanisms via Evolutionary Algorithms" and was compeleted under the supervision of Dr.Jörg Denzinger. Received a Masters of Science in Computer Science from the University of Calgary in 2011. The M.Sc. thesis was titled "Risk Assessment and Management for Efficient Self-Adapting Self-Organizing Emergent Multi-Agent Systems". Prior to this, received a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours, with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Pure Mathematics, from the University of Calgary in 2009. The title of his Honours thesis was "Testing Advised Autonomic Systems for Unwanted Emergent Behaviour".
During the summer of 2008 Jonathan was a summer student at the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) in Calgary, Alberta where he worked in the field of Software Testing and Test Automation. In the summer of 2009 Jonathan was awarded a NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award.
Awarded a Graduate Entrance Scholarship upon admission into the M.Sc. program at the University of Calgary in 2009. Received the 2010/2011 NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (Masters) Scholarship and Alberta Innovates Technology Futures ICT Graduate Student Scholarship to fund M.Sc. thesis research.
Began doctoral research with a 2011-2012 Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral) which was awarded upon admission into the Ph.D. program at the University of Calgary and continued research under a 2012-2015 NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral) Scholarship and Alberta Innovates Technology Futures ICT Graduate Student Scholarship to fund Ph.D. thesis research. Jonathan was the TA in Residence for Fall 2014 and a Research Assistant at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning in 2016. Instructor for CPSC 217 and CPSC 231 in 2018 at the University of Calgary. Instructor for COMP 1502 and COMP 2511 in 2019 for Mount Royal University. Instructor for CPSC 413 in 2019 at the University of Calgary.
Curriculum Vitae