Current Students

  • None. I no longer have any graduate students, since I retired from the University of Calgary in June 2022.

Former Students

  • Sean Boyden
    Sean started the MSc program in September 2004. He is co-supervised by Anirban Mahanti and Carey Williamson. Sean is interested in video streaming protocols. Some of his early work on characterization of RealVideo streaming applications appeared at SCS SPECTS 2005.
  • Xiaozhen (Jean) Cao
    Jean started her PhD in September 2003, and defended in December 2008. She worked on Quality of Service (QoS) issues for wireless media streaming. In particular, she explored the "bad apple" problem in WLANs, and the design of possible solutions for stadium-scale wireless media streaming. Some of her work appeared at EuroIMSA 2005 and IEEE MASCOTS 2006. She currently works at General Dynamics Canada in Calgary.
  • Ali Dabirmoghaddam
    Ali started the MSc program in September 2008, and defended in December 2010. His area of research was energy-efficient clustering strategies for wireless sensor networks. He was co-supervised by Majid Ghaderi and Carey Williamson. Ali is now a PhD student at the University of California Santa Cruz.
  • Mohamad Darianian
    Mohamad was an MSc student who joined our group in September 2014. His main research interest was Software-Defined Networking (SDN). He was one of my students on the NSERC SAVI project, and did a SAVI internship at Telus in Toronto. His MSc thesis work focused on the experimental evaluation of OpenFlow controllers for use in SDN networks.
  • Marian Doerk
    Marian is a PhD student who entered our program in September 2008, following his Diplom from the University of Magdeburg in Germany. Marian's area of research is information visualization on the Web. His primary supervisor was Sheelagh Carpendale, and I was co-supervisor. Marian graduated in Summer 2012, and is currently a PDF at the University of Newcastle.
  • Maryam Elahi
    Maryam started the PhD program in May 2010. She was co-supervised by Philipp Woelfel. Her work focused on the fairness and efficiency of dynamic speed scaling strategies used for energy management in computer systems. Papers describing her work appeared at QEST 2012, IEEE MASCOTS 2016, and ValueTools 2016. She successfully defended her PhD dissertation in September 2017. Maryam was also a PDF funded by Cybera and the MITACS Elevate program. For this, she was supervised by Mea Wang, with me as her co-supervisor. Her work focused on dynamic bandwidth allocation in SDN networks.
  • Reza Gholizadeh
    Reza started the MSc program in January 2017. His interests include Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT). His MSc thesis focused on simulation evaluation of rate-based transport-layer protocols for SDN networks. He successfully defended his MSc thesis in October 2019.
  • Mingwei Gong
    Mingwei started the PhD program in September 2003, following the completion of his MSc on Web server scheduling. His PhD thesis studied the applicability of size-based scheduling in computer networks, and related fairness issues. Some of his most recent work appeared in RAWNET 2006, Computer Networks, and IEEE MASCOTS 2009. Mingwei completed his PhD in July 2009, and currently works at Mount Royal University in Calgary.
  • Abhinav Gupta
    Abhinav started the MSc program in September 2002. His thesis studied routing protocols for ad hoc wireless networks. In particular, his research implemented and evaluated a location-aware version of AODV. He defended in August 2004. A paper describing his work appeared in IEEE/ACM MASCOTS 2004.
  • Mackenzie Haffey
    Mack started the MSc program in September 2015, and joined our group in July 2016. He was co-supervised by adjunct faculty member Martin Arlitt. Mack's interests included computer networks and network security. His MSc thesis work focused on the characterization and analysis of network heartbeat traffic, and its use for detecting network security issues.
  • Emir Halepovic
    Emir graduated from our PhD program in August 2010. He was co-supervised by Carey Williamson and Majid Ghaderi. Emir's research interests include wireless and cellular networks, WiMAX, and multimedia application performance. Some of his recent work appeared in IEEE MASCOTS 2008 and IEEE Network (March 2009).
  • Islam Hegazy
    Islam was a PhD student co-supervised by Rei Safavi-Naini and Carey Williamson. He defended successfully in Summer 2011. His research interests were on wireless sensor networks and network security. Papers describing his work appeared at AdHocNets 2009 and D-SPAN 2010.
  • Andreas Hirt
    Andreas defended his PhD in March 2010. He worked on the design, implementation, and evaluation of anonymous communication protocols for the Internet, significantly extending the work from his MSc thesis in 2004. Some of his recent work appeared in IEEE MASCOTS 2008. Andreas was co-supervised by Michael Jacobson.
  • Gwen Houtzager
    Gwen started her MSc program in September 2002, working on optimizing Web proxy cache placement. Gwen explored different solution techniques to tackle this challenging optimization problem, including packet-level simulation and evolutionary algorithms. Papers describing her work appeared in IEEE/ACM MASCOTS 2003 and EC 2006. She defended her thesis in January 2005.
  • Faisal Iqbal
    Faisal is an MSc student who joined our group in January 2010. His research focuses on detection of network traffic anomalies. He is co-supervised by Carey Williamson and Michael Locasto. Faisal defended in July 2012, and is now employed at Cisco Systems in Ottawa.
  • Ibrahim Ismail
    Ibrahim started the MSc program in September 2007, and defended in January 2011. His area of research was network security and privacy. His MSc thesis work focused on the performance benchmarking of anonymity protocols.
  • Mehdi Karamollahi
    Mehdi was my final PhD student at the University of Calgary, and was co-supervised by adjunct faculty member Martin Arlitt. Mehdi started the PhD program in January 2020, following his MSc at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy in October 2019. Mehdi's interests included network traffic measurement, workload characterization, and pandemic effects on Internet traffic. He defended his PhD thesis in March 2023.
  • Sina Keshvadi
    Sina started the PhD program in September 2017, and transferred to my supervision in May 2018. His PhD research focused on the measurement and characterization of online social media applications, including video streaming and related services. He graduated in Fall 2021.
  • Michel Laterman
    Michel was an MSc student who joined our group in September 2013, following a BSc at the University of Northern British Columbia. His research interests include networks, systems, and network traffic measurement. His MSc thesis provided a workload characterization study of Netflix usage at the U of Calgary. He was co-supervised by adjunct faculty member Martin Arlitt.
  • Yang Li
    Yang Li was an MSc student who started in September 2011, following his BSc at the University of Lethbridge. He was co-supervised by Mea Wang and Carey Williamson. His research interests include job placement and scheduling in data center networks. His MSc thesis discussed the design, implementation, and use of a simulator for this task in datacenter networks.
  • Yang Liu
    Yang (Marvin) Liu was an MSc student who joined my group in January 2015. His research interests include networks and network traffic measurement. His MSc thesis provided a workload characterization study for two scientific Web sites at the University of Calgary.
  • Rachel Mclean
    Rachel started her program in September 2019, and held an NSERC PGS for 2019-2020. Rachel was co-supervised by Dr. Lina Kattan (Civil Engineering) as part of the NSERC CREATE program on Integrated Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities (IISC). Her MSc thesis used discrete-event simulation to study novel transportation systems, such as e-scooters, electric vehicles, and e-recycling services. She did a MITACS internship at LessThan3 in Calgary in Fall 2020, and completed her MSc thesis in August 2021.
  • Ahmed Obied
    Ahmed was an MSc student with interests in network security. His thesis was on the collection and analysis of Web-based exploits and malware. Ahmed was co-supervised by Michael Jacobson and Carey Williamson.
  • Keynan Pratt
    Keynan started the MSc program in September 2014, following his BSc at the University of Calgary. His interests include computer networks, peer-to-peer systems, and Friend-to-Friend (F2F) networks. His (unfinished) MSc thesis work focused on simulation modeling of a distributed caching infrastructure to improve the performance of F2F networks.
  • Yujian (Peter) Li
    Peter entered the MSc program in May 2002. He worked on Web/TCP performance. In particular, his research developed a stochastic mathematical model for estimating Web document download latency when using the TCP protocol. Peter defended his MSc thesis in February 2004. A paper describing his work appeared in IEEE/ACM MASCOTS 2004.
  • Alok Madhukar
    Alok started the MSc program in September 2003. His thesis was on peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic classification. He successfully defended his thesis in October 2005.
  • Aniket Mahanti
    Aniket started the PhD program in September 2008, following his MSc on WLAN traffic measurement, and a year or so as a full-time Research Associate in the group. His interests focus on Web 2.0 applications, including online social networks and one-click file hosting services. Some of his recent work appeared at IFIP Performance 2011. He defended in Summer 2012, and is now a faculty member at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
  • Dan Munteanu
    Dan started his MSc program in September 2002. He designed and implemented an FPGA-based network processor board that can do on-the-fly processing of network packets (e.g., just-in-time compression, Web content transcoding, network monitoring, network intrusion detection). He defended his MSc thesis in August 2004.
  • Kehinde (Kenny) Oladosu
    Kenny started the MSc program in September 2001, and finished in August 2003. His work was on wireless Web performance. In particular, his research used wireless LAN traffic measurements to identify performance problems in the interactions between HTTP and TCP/IP protocols on wireless LANs. A paper describing his work appeared at MWAN 2004. Kenny is now pursuing a PhD at the University of Western Ontario.
  • Nadim Parvez
    Nadim started the PhD program in January 2005, following the completion of his MSc at the University of Manitoba. His research interests include analytical modeling of TCP. Nadim was co-supervised by Carey Williamson and Anirban Mahanti. He successfully defended his PhD thesis in August 2009. Papers describing his work appeared in ICC 2006, ACM SIGMETRICS 2008, and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (2010).
  • Sourish Roy
    Sourish was an MSc student who joined our group in September 2015. His research interests included computer networks and network traffic measurement. His MSc thesis work characterized campus-wide usage of D2L (Desire2Learn), which is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by the University of Calgary.
  • Ashwathi Samba Shiva
    Ashwathi was an MSc student who started in September 2011. She was co-supervised by Michael Locasto and Carey Williamson. Her research interests are in network security, particularly for the management of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) networks. Her MSc thesis provided experimental evaluation of mechanisms for authenticating BYOD devices on enterprise networks.
  • Arsham Skrenes
    Arsham was an MSc student who joined our group in September 2012, following a BSc at the University of British Columbia. His research interests include computer architecture and power management in computer systems. His MSc thesis work provided experimental measurement and evaluation of the speed scaling functionality on modern Intel processors.
  • Shambhavi Srinivasa
    Shambhavi started the MSc program in September 2009. She was co-supervised by Zongpeng Li and Carey Williamson. Sham's work focused on barrier coverage in WSNs, and involved theoretical and simulation investigation of WSNs. She defended her MSc thesis in December 2011.
  • Tuan Vu
    Tuan was an MSc student co-supervised by Rei Safavi-Naini and Carey Williamson. His research interests include computer network security, and secure key distribution in wireless sensor networks. He successfully defended his MSc thesis in October 2009. Some of his work appeared at ICST ValueTools 2009.
  • Fang Wang
    Fang (Melody) Wang was a PhD student who joined our group in January 2013, following an MSc at the University of Regina. Her primary research interest was mobile wireless networking. However, she discontinued the PhD program in 2014.
  • Ian Wormsbecker
    Ian started the MSc program in September 2003. His work studied MAC protocols for multi-channel wireless ad hoc networks, looking at the interactions of these protocols with TCP. A paper describing some of his work has been submitted for possible publication.
  • Fang (Shelly) Xiao
    Shelly started her MSc program in September 2001. She studied TCP performance over wireless networks. She used wireless LAN traffic measurements to identify fairness problems for the TCP protocol on IEEE 802.11b wireless LANs and WANs. She defended her MSc in August 2004.
  • Zhengping Zhang
    Zhengping started the MSc program in September 2017, following his BSc at CUP in China. He previously spent the Winter 2016 semester at the University of Calgary for his BSc Honours project, doing workload characterization of Office 365 email traffic. His MSc thesis was on DNS traffic characterization, and was completed in July 2019. Zhengping was co-supervised by Martin Arlitt.
  • Ruiting (Rebecca) Zhou
    Rebecca started the MSc program in September 2010 and finished in August 2012. She was co-supervised by Zongpeng Li and Carey Williamson. Her work focused on network coding in wireless networks. Some of her work was published at IEEE MASS 2011 and IEEE ICCCN 2012. She went on to complete her PhD with Zongpeng Li.


Last Updated October 2023