Week |
Topics covered |
Sept 11 - 17 |
No tutorials this week |
Sept 18 - 24 |
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- Introduction to the CPSC network
- Lab tours (your TA will be the tour guide for today!)
- Text editor on UNIX: Emacs
- Overview of the file system
Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday):
- Exercise: using UNIX commands and 'script' program
Sept 25 - Oct 1 |
Programming examples:
Formatting output: format specifiers
Variables and constants
Naming conventions
Mathematical operators, order of operation
Common errors
Python 'types', conversion functions
Getting user input
Student exercises:
- Code trace: format specifiers
- Code writing: applying format specifiers
Oct 2 - 8 |
- TAs go over A2b
- TAs go over A2
First tutorial (MT)
- Documentation
- Backing up your work and versioning your programs
- Syntax, runtime and logic errors
Second tutorial (WR)
- IF
- Logic and branching
- Branching logical errors
- Generating random numbers
Oct 9 - 15 Monday Oct 10:
Thanksgiving day holiday |
First tutorial (MT)
- No tutorials due to Thanksgiving day holiday
- CT: they are cancelled Monday, they will run as scheduled
Second tutorial (WR)
Oct 16 - 22 |
First tutorial (MT) Debugging tips
- TAs will show specific and practical techniques that can be used
to find the errors in your programs (syntax and logic)
Second tutorial (WR) Using functions in your programs
- Defining and calling functions that take no arguments
- Passing parameters to functions
- Local variables
- Defining functions with multiple arguments
Oct 23 - 29 |
- TAs go over the requirements for
- Pass by value: parameter passing produces a local copy
- Function return values
- Global vs. local scopes
Oct 30 - Nov 5 |
First tutorial (MT)
- Student exercises: examples of solving some problems by defining
a function
Second tutorial (WR)
- Strings: string operators and some string functions
Nov 6 - 12 Reading Days Nov
10 - 13 (No classes on Thursday) |
First tutorial (MT)
- 1D and 2D lists
- Passing lists as parameters
- Exercises with lists
Second tutorial (WR)
- Reading days: Thursday and Friday (no lectures, tutorials or CT
on these days)
- No tutorial will be held on Wednesday
Nov 13 - 19 |
First tutorial (MT)
Second tutorial (WR)
- Open tutorial: no new material will
be taught but you can go to any tutorial run by any Teaching
Assistant for help during tutorial time. Or you can just work on
your assignments in the lab.
Nov 20 - 26 |
First tutorial (MT)
- Implementing a simple GUI (button) using TkInter
- Drawing graphical primitives using TkInter
- TAs go over the requirements for
- TAs go over the requirements for
Second tutorial (WR)
- Data processing in Python using lists, file input and output
- (Additional time reserved to allow TAs to answer questions about
the 4th assignment)
Nov 27 - Dec 3 |
- TAs go over the requirements for
- Defining a class with attributes and methods
- Splitting class definitions into separate module files
- Objects referencing other objects
Dec 4 - 10 |
First tutorial (MT)
- Recursive examples: recursive programs (and some iterative
solutions for contrast).
Second tutorial (WR)
- Open tutorial: no new material will
be taught but you can go to any tutorial run by any Teaching
Assistant for help during tutorial time. Or you can just work on
your assignments in the lab.