Course web page: Introduction to problem solving with applications James Tam Return to the course web page

A1: Word processing

Proportion of term grade 5%, due Friday September 25 at 4 PM

For this assignment you must start with the raw data in three pre-created MS-Word documents [Calgary.docx] [Dubai.docx] [World travels.docx]. The latter is largely an empty document but it's included some extra whitespace so you can insert the other two documents as sub-documents (so the "World travels" document is a master document) and there's space for a table of contents and a table of figures to be created (more on these details later). For you reference I have also included a PDF document that shows roughly what the final master document should look like [Acrobat version of the final master document]

Everyone starts this assignment with a grade point of zero. As you implement the features listed below your grade for this assignment will increase by one or two letter 'steps' e.g. one step, "B+" to "A-". There's a max of ten letter steps that can be earned to yield a maximum credit of 'A'/4.0 that can be earned for this assignment. Except for Feature #5 each feature is worth one letter 'step'. To receive credit features must be invoked using Word's built in functionality and not manually typed in by the student. For example if a student typed in a figure caption rather than using Word's automatic captioning ability then no marks would be awarded.

  1. (Inside the 'Calgary' document): Under the heading "Spruce Meadows"  immediately after the text "The festival of lights" insert a footnote that contains the web address of the Spruce Meadows website.
  1. (Inside the 'Calgary' document): Use Word's insert citation feature to cite the text "One dream. Four Jamaicans. Twenty below zero."
        a) Delete the text  "Citation to be completed by students"
        b) Type of source: Film
        c) Title: Cool Runnings
        d) Director: Turteltaub, Jon
        e) Year: 1993
  1. (Inside the 'Calgary' document): Create a bibliography for this new source at the end of the document
  1. Finally the above text quote (#2) should be changed in the following fashion:
        a) Font type: Broadway
        b) Font size: 9
        c) Create a new 'style' of text in Word called "Movie taglines" that will be formatted as above (Broadway font size 9)
  1. Use the auto caption feature of Word to label all the images in each of Calgary and Dubai documents (1 letter step for each completed document, 2 steps in total)
  1. Insert a new image (your choice) in the 'Calgary' document between the 1st and 2nd image ("Split rock" and "Traffic Artwork"). Use the auto caption feature to caption the new image
  1. Insert the "Calgary.docx" and "Dubai.docx" documents as sub-documents of the master "World travels.docx" document
  1. (Inside the "World travels" document): Use Word's ability to automatically generate a table of contents at the start of the document
  1. (Inside the "World travels" document): Use Word's ability to automatically generate a table of Figures at the start of the document

Submitting your work:

  1. The Word documents must be electronically submitted according to the assignment submission requirements using D2L. Make sure that you include the final versions of ALL THREE DOCUMENTS in D2L. If you exclude one or more documents then you will not be awarded any marks for the missing features.
  2. You are not allowed to work in groups for this class. Copying the work of another student will be regarded as academic misconduct (cheating).  For additional details about what is and is not okay for this class please refer to the [notes on misconduct for this course].