Course web page: Introduction to problem solving with applications James Tam | Return to the course web page |
Proportion of term grade 5%, due Friday September 25 at 4 PM
For this assignment you must start with the raw data in three pre-created MS-Word documents [Calgary.docx] [Dubai.docx] [World travels.docx]. The latter is largely an empty document but it's included some extra whitespace so you can insert the other two documents as sub-documents (so the "World travels" document is a master document) and there's space for a table of contents and a table of figures to be created (more on these details later). For you reference I have also included a PDF document that shows roughly what the final master document should look like [Acrobat version of the final master document]
Everyone starts this assignment with a grade point of zero. As you implement the features listed below your grade for this assignment will increase by one or two letter 'steps' e.g. one step, "B+" to "A-". There's a max of ten letter steps that can be earned to yield a maximum credit of 'A'/4.0 that can be earned for this assignment. Except for Feature #5 each feature is worth one letter 'step'. To receive credit features must be invoked using Word's built in functionality and not manually typed in by the student. For example if a student typed in a figure caption rather than using Word's automatic captioning ability then no marks would be awarded.