Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam | Return to the course web page |
Visual QuickStart guide (2nd Ed) by Toby Donaldson (available
free online via the
Safari library website).
For this portion of the course you will create small to moderately large computer programs that you create on the computer and submit using the specified [submission mechanism]. You will be given a description of the features of the program and you will have (approximately) several weeks to fulfill those requirements. This will be one of the more intensive sections of the course but it will be one of the things that will help prepare you for the examinations.
They are mini examinations. In tutorial you will be given a problem and you are to write on paper a computer program that will solve that problem. Hand in the solution to your tutorial instructor at the end of the session.
The midterm exam will be common to all three CPSC 231 lectures for the fall 2011 semester. (Common Midterm: date/time TBA). Similar to the quizzes it will be all on paper (not the computer).
It will be scheduled by the office of the Registrar. Information about the time/date will be released by them (and not the course instructor) sometime during the semester. Just like the midterm there will be a common exam for all lecture sections and it will be completed on paper.
The grades for each of the above components will be converted to a grade point and it is the grade point that will be converted to a weighted term grade. Note: In order to obtain a final grade of C- or better, and to pass the class, a student must achieve a weighted average of C- or better on the midterm and final exams.