Course web page: Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I by James Tam

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Information About The Final Exam

Additional details will be provided as we get closer to the exam so you should check this page for updates.

Date/location of the exam:

Exam review

Exam instructions (these are from the actual exam so you should read them beforehand)

  1. Duration: 120 minutes
  2. This is a closed book exam: No electronic devices (e.g., cell phones must be shut off and out of sight) or computational aids (e.g., any calculators, laptops, hand held computers, slide rulers, abaci) will be allowed. ‘Simple’ calculators are obviously excluded as well.
  3. DO NOT OPEN the exam until you are told you can start.
  4. Use a pencil to answer the multiple choice questions. Make sure that you select the best answer to each question on the computer bubble sheets.
  5. Make sure that you fill in the bubbles on the multiple choice answer sheet for all the labeled categories. (Neglecting to full in all the information may result in your exam getting lost or not marked so it's important not to miss anything!)
  6. Use a non-erasable pen to answer the written questions. Write your answer in the space provided.

  7. Unless otherwise indicated you can assume that the programs and program fragments have no syntax errors and will translate.

Material that you should study


The exam will be cumulative but focus on the material that was covered after the midterm (or covered before the midterm but you weren't tested on yet). This means that topics that you were tested on during the midterm may show up again during the final but will constitute a smaller portion of the exam (it may be a smaller weight written question or some questions in the multiple choice section). Alternatively the earlier material could indirectly show up as part of a question that focuses on the latter material (e.g., you could see branching and loops in questions whose main focus is classes and objects)

Topics (less of a focus on the final, mostly the earlier topics) Topics after the midterm (heavier focus on the final)
UNIX Programming: functions
Computers Programming: composites
Programming: Intro Programming: classes and objects
Programming: branches Programming: file input and output
Programming: loops Programming: recursion
Programming: producing graphics using QuickDraw  
Introduction to Computer Science  
Computer history  


Question type (on the near final version of the exam)1

Multiple choice questions: 20 questions

20 marks


Written questions

35 marks

  Question 1: Code trace 8
  Question 2: Code trace 5
  Question 3: Code writing 9
  Question 4: Code writing 6
  Question 5: Code writing 3
  Question 6: Conceptual 4

1 Small changes may be made in the final version but this outline should at least give you a rough idea of the breakdowns and structure.