Lecture notes for the Introduction to computers by James Tam Return to the course web page

A1: Spreadsheet

For this assignment you are to start with the raw grade data in: [Initial Excel 2007 spreadsheet].  If you're having trouble opening up the Office 2007 version try the [Excel 2003 version]. The starting sheet contains the fictional grade information about a CPSC 203 class and includes grade points for all 5 course components and identifying information for the student (ID and faculty). Blank cells indicate that the student didn't attempt a component while zeros indicate that students attempted a component but did so poorly that he or she didn't receive any credit for their work. The grades are listed in ascending order of student identification number and this ordering cannot be changed. You are to start by mapping the overall term percentages to letter grades for each student with the cutoffs shown the initial spread sheet. Next you are to conduct a statistical analysis on the information which should allow the viewer to answer questions such as:

The answers to these questions will be calculated by using some of Excel's pre-created functions and graphing capabilities.

After this you are to perform a 'what if' analysis by examining the effect that an alternate cutoff distribution will have on the letter grades. Add an extra column to the spreadsheet and label 'alternate letter' and map the term percentages to the alternate grade cutoffs in this column.

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F
100 99 - 96 95 - 91 90 - 86 85 - 81 80 - 76 75 - 71 70 - 66 65 - 61 56 - 60 55 - 51 <50

Last but definitely not least you are to apply the visualization and graphic design principles (that were discussed during the lectures dealing with spreadsheets) so that reader can more easily find and make sense of the data. It is sufficient simply "have it all there" in the spreadsheet if it's takes time to find it. Issues such as layout, color, contrast, representation chosen (text, images, charts, graphs) are not only used to make it 'look good' but can play a significant role in how quickly viewers can find the important information. Some features of Excel that you can/should use to improve the layout and appearance, and to help the viewer visualize the data:

Make sure that you read the [general submission requirements] and the ones that are specific to this assignment in order to make it easier for your marker to identify your work your spreadsheet should include the following contact information:

[Marking of this assignment]