Basic features
Similar to the previous assignments your
program will display an introduction and conclusion when appropriate. The
array will be created with each element set to some default starting value
(such as zero). Next the program will
prompt the user to enter in each salary checking that no invalid values have
been entered. An invalid value would be a salary that is negative or one
that exceeds $99,999 (six figure salaries require special approval and won't
be tracked by this program). If such a value has been entered the program
will display an appropriate error message and it will continue to prompt the
user for the salary until a valid value has been entered. You can assume
that the salaries that will be entered will be whole numbers only. Finally
the program will show all employee salaries onscreen. Although you do not
have to make your output identical to the one in the sample program it
should be neat and presentable in order for you to get credit for your work.
Additional features
Compute the average salary: calculate
the mean employee salary and display it onscreen.
- Find the lowest paid employee: find the lowest salary in the
list and display it onscreen.
- Find the highest paid employee: find the highest salary in the
list and display it onscreen.
Increase the number of salaries that
can be tracked from 10 to 100. In
order for you to receive credit for this extra feature you must hand in
two versions of your assignment, one with a list of 10 elements and
another with a list of 100 elements. Except for the size of the list the
programs should otherwise be identical. You cannot simply create one
version of the program that works with only 100 employees. (JT's Hint:
There is a hard way of doing this an and easy way. Think back the
lectures when I first talked about writing programs and good style for a
clue as to what the easy way is).
- Determine the number of employees that fall within different salary
ranges: the program will count the
number of employees that fall within each of the following ranges:
Salary range |
Less than $20,000 |
$20,000 to less than $40,000 |
$40,000 to less than $60,000 |
$60,000 to less than $80,000 |
$80,000 and above |
In addition to having fulfill the generic
assignment requirements, the requirements specific to this assignment
Include a README file in your submission: For
this assignment you need to include a file called 'README' which includes
your contact information: your name, university
identification number and UNIX login name so
that your marker knows whose assignment that he or she is marking. Also
your README should also list which features of the assignment that you
completed (in the case of this assignment which functions did you actually
- The programming assignments require
a two part submission: a) A paper submission of your README file and
Python program into the assignment drop boxes (second floor Math Sciences)
b) An electronic submission (again of your README file and your Python
program) as an email attachment (don't cut and paste it into the
email body!) to the following people (failing to include everyone listed
below may result in your assignment not being marked for credit so before
submitting your assignment double check!) Make sure that the subject line
of the email contains the exact text (don't add or delete anything to it
or you will lose marks): CPSC 217 Assignment X.
X = The appropriate assignment number
(e.g., for Assignment 3 the subject would be titled "CPSC 217 Assignment 3")
- The course instructor at the following email address:
- Your tutorial instructor,
the email addresses for the TA's can be found on the main course web page.
- The TA coordinating the marking of assignments: (if you are
in Ahmed's tutorial you don't have to send
your assignment to him twice, other students must send their assignment
both to their TA and to Ahmed).
- Yourself. Sending the assignment to yourself provides one last "double
check" that you submitted your assignment properly (e.g., you sent it to
all the right people, you attached all the important files to the
submission etc.) When you receive the submitted assignment you can check
one last time to make sure that you fulfilled all the requirements. If you
forgot something then you can resend your assignment with a note to mark
only the latest submission (but try not to resubmit your assignment too
many times please).
- As a reminder, you are not allowed to work in groups for this class.
Copying the work of another student will be
regarded as academic misconduct (cheating). For additional details about
what is and is not okay for this class please refer to the following
- For this assignment you must include a structure chart that outlines
the functions that will be implemented in your program as well as the
hierarchy of function calls (which function calls which). You can work on
the structure charts on your own time and during the first tutorials
(either Monday or Tuesday of the week of March 31 - April 4) you will get
some feedback about the direction of the design of your program. You can
hand in your structure charts during the first tutorial that week and you
will get written feedback from your TA in the second tutorial about your
design. If students hand in their structure charts after this first
tutorial (e.g., you hand it in with your paper print outs when you submit
your assignment) then you can still get a grade for this component
although you obviously won't receive timely feedback to help you with your
work. If you are unsure of what a structure chart looks like you can refer
to the slides and your in-class notes on problem decomposition / modular
To help make sure that you haven't missed
anything here is a checklist of items to be used in
marking. |