Effect on grade
Submission guidelines |
Incomplete contact information on printout |
-2 points |
Missing electronic submission |
No marks will be received for program
functionality (the only marks granted may come from documentation and
programming style) |
Missing or incorrect title in the subject line
of email |
-4 points |
documentation |
14 marks maximum |
High level description of what the program is
supposed to do |
1 mark |
Describes the limits of the program |
1 mark |
Describes the algorithm employed by the program
(e.g., how program searches for the maximum salary). |
2 marks |
The electronic and paper README file includes
contact information and correctly lists the features that were implemented |
4 marks |
Version number or date of the program |
1 mark |
Features implemented in this version |
1 mark |
Paper printout includes all of the source code |
4 marks |
Style marks |
10 marks maximum |
Naming conventions (e.g., variables, constants) |
2 marks |
Appearance and whitespace |
2 marks |
Appropriate use of constants |
2 marks |
Use of modular design (i.e., how well was your
program decomposed into functions, do functions have a well defined task). |
4 marks |
Program design |
2 marks maximum |
Structure chart (to be handed in for feedback during your tutorial). |
2 marks |
Program functionality |
31 marks maximum |
Displays a proper introduction |
1 mark |
Display a proper conclusion |
1 mark |
Creates the list and initializes each element
to a default value |
2 marks |
Prompts the user to enter the values for the
list one-at-a-time |
3 marks |
Checks if the values entered by the user were
valid and if not continues prompting until an acceptable value has been
entered |
2 marks |
Displays the list of salaries in a clear and
neat fashion |
2 marks |
Calculates and displays the average salary |
2 marks |
Finds and displays the lowest salary |
4 marks |
Finds and displays the highest salary |
4 marks |
Increases the size of the list from 10 elements
to 100 elements (both versions must be submitted to get credit) |
2 marks |
Displays the number of occurrences within each
salary range |
8 marks |
Total score