Design Guidelines and Usability Heuristics
Guidelines to design have a long tradition in HCI. There are literally thousands of
guidelines now available, in many forms and variations. These tend to fall in the
categories of: motherhoods (or general guidelines); specific guidelines that say exactly
what should be done in a given situation; style guides that are particular to a look and
feel; and widget-level guidelines that are embedded within the actual toolkit.
Most of this module develops general design guidelines, detailing what they mean and
how the interface should cater to them. I also show how guidelines can be used as a
low-cost evaluation technique via "usability heuristics". Through this method,
several evaluators use the guidelines as a way to structure their analysis of the
interface. While it does not require users' involvement, it still manages to capture many
major usability problems.
- Heuristics as a design guide
- Simple and natural dialogue
- Speak the users' language
- Minimize user memory load
- Be consistent
- Provide feedback
- Provide clearly marked exits
- Provide shortcuts
- Deal with errors in positive and helpful manner
- Provide help and documentation
- Using heuristics as an evaluation tool
Required Readings
- Nielsen, J. (1993) Chapter 5: Usability heuristics. In Usability
Engineering, p115-163, Academic Press.
Readings from Baecker Grudin Buxton and Greenberg
- Chapter 2 excerpt: Heuristic evaluation, p. 82-84, summarizes the guidelines
and heuristic evaluation.
- Chapter 10 excerpt: Designing to fit human capabilities, p. 667-673, has a
section on human error and a section on training, documentation, and help.
- Human error and the design of computer systems / Human error and the search for
blame, p. 681-685, is background for the Dealing with Errors guideline. The two
papers talks about human error and why design should account for it.
- Designing for error, p686-697, is also background for the Dealing with Errors
guideline. Gives specific recommendations of how design should deal with human error.
- Learning to use a word processor, p. 698-717, is background for the Provide
Help guideline. The article talks about how people learn to use software, and lays the
background to minimalist manuals (as discussed in the Chapter 10 introduction)
- Building user-centered on-line help, p. 718-723, is background for the Provide
Help guideline. The article talks about how to build on-line help.
- Consistency, various excerpts, p. 59-61, 66, 426-27, 434, gives examples
related to the consistency guideline.
- Feedback, excerpt, p. 18 gives examples related to the feedback guideline.
- Usability inspection methods, p. 170-181, gives a summary of
a variety of ways to inspect interfaces without the user, including heuristic evaluation.
It also discusses their effectiveness.
The Piano Tutor presents a piano tutoring tool that is in the language of the
user i.e., input devices are the piano (mostly), and output is via score annotation, music
playing, and video lessons. It also demonstrates how error correction is done, and how
help is provided in context. The Sonic Finder shows how everyday sound can be
used to provide feedback of user actions.
- The Piano Tutor, by CMU (1990, SVGR 55)
- The Sonic Finder, by Bill Gaver
In-Class Teaching tips
With each guideline, I do a heuristic evaluation of two interfaces in class. The
interfaces are Cheap Shop (already used in the
task centered system
design section), and Mantel (see the Nielson and Mack source below). The students
analyze the interface in class and come up with potential problems.
There is also a hands on component. If students do final projects, they are evaluated
via the heuristic evaluation method. Students get a check-sheet ahead of time with the
guidelines written on it. I schedule a half-hour with each project group, and do a
heuristic evaluation of their system, discussing the results with them.
Major sources used to prepare lecture material
- The readings offered above offer much detail.
- Nielsen's Usability engineering, 1993, Academic Press, details the heuristics.
- Nielsen, J. (1994) Chapter 2: Heuristic evaluation. In J. Nielsen and R.
Mack (eds) Usability Inspection Methods, p25-62, Wiley and Sons
details when, where and how heuristic evaluation are effective.
- Specific interface guidelines for text-based transaction systems are offered by Smith
and Mosier's Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software, 1986 MITRE