Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computers by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 203: Assignment One (Word Processing worth 10%)

For this assignment you are to write a paper using MS-Word about the Internet.   The paper will include information on who created the Internet and what was its original purpose.  How did original intended use of the Internet affect its design?  Finally you are to describe some of the ways in which the Internet is currently being used.  Make sure that your report includes at least two citations in the bibliography (you should probably have more).   Your grading for this assignment will not only include the features of Word that you have used but also the content (e.g., do you back up the part of the paper that describes how the Internet is currently used with reliable sources or do is it just based on your opinion) and style (e.g., clarity, spelling, grammar) of your report.  Although there isn't a length limit or minimum length required (it's quality and not quantity that matters) it's likely that your report will be somewhere in the range of a half a dozen to a dozen pages (more towards the latter if you include a lot of images and perhaps tables and graphs) to help your reader understand the points that you are trying to make.

Features of Word that you must include in this assignment (aside from the obvious functions like creating an editing text):

  1. A cover page with the following information:
  1. The course name (CPSC) and number (203)
  1. Your name and university identification number
  1. The name of the course instructor (James Tam)
  1. The name of the tutorial instructor (Chengyao Deng)
  1. The section number (91).
  1. Fonts of multiple sizes and perhaps of different styles (e.g., italics, bold etc.).
  1. Automatic page numbering (the page number should appear at the top of each page in the upper right hand corner).  However the cover page should not be numbered.
  1. Images should be used to help illustrate your points in the body of your report.  In addition to adding images in the body you should add one to the cover page near the name of the course instructor.  Get the image off my faculty web page (http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~tamj/).  Insert the image into the report and crop it so that only a part so that my face and torso show.  You can perform the cropping either in Word or by using another program and inserting the cropped image into word.  (Note: aside from cropping the image you aren’t to otherwise perform any edits e.g., no goatees for me please :p).
  1. Use Word's auto caption feature to label the images in the body of the report.  There is no need to label the image of me on the cover page.  (The font used for captions should differ from the font used in the body of the report e.g., the report can use Times New Roman, the captions can use Arial)

  1. Use Word's 'insert table' feature somewhere in your report.  How you use it is up to you e.g., you can use a table for formatting the cover page to make sure that image of the instructor and the name of the instructor are close to each other or a table can be used in a more obvious fashion by showing a table of figures.

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