Lecture Topics in HCI, by Saul Greenberg
Contents for: All Topics CPSC 481 SENG 609.05 Industrial Course

Contents for Lecture Topics in HCI

These pages collect various topics in human computer interaction that I select for use in various courses (listed in the banner above).
Topics and
Part 1. Overview 
Introduction to the Course and to HCI 
Part 2: Understanding Design 
Psychology of Everyday Things 
History of Human Computer Interaction 
Part 3: Designing with the User 
Evaluating Interfaces with Users: Qualitative Methods
Evaluating Interfaces with Users: Quantitative Methods 
User Centered Design and Prototyping 
Part 4: Designing Without the User 
Task-Centered System Design 
High Level Models of Human Behaviour 
Design Principles and Usability Heuristics 
Beyond Screen Design 
Graphical Screen Design 
Part 5: Implementing GUIs 
Windowing Systems and Toolkits 
Part 6: The Future 
Visions of the future 
Lab Materials
Courses using
this material
CPSC 481: Foundations and Principles of Human Computer Interaction
An introductory undergraduate course in HCI
SEng 609.05
An introductory (condensed) course in HCI at the graduate level
Graphical user interfaces: Design and usability
A version of this course that I teach to industrial professionals
describing this
Greenberg, S. (1996) Teaching Human Computer Interaction to Programmers. 
long version [Html] or [Adobe Pdf], ACM Interactions, July/August, 1996
short version [Html] or [Adobe Pdf], ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, March, 1996.


Last updated April 1997, by Saul Greenberg