CPSC 231, Spring 231: Midterm information


Midterm grades

Date:    Thursday, June 5th

              11:00 - 12:00 Midterm

              12:00 - 12:30 Break

              12:30 - 14:50  Lecture


Location:      MFH 164


Number of marks:        50 marks

    Multiple choice (30 questions x 1 mark per question = 30 marks)

    Short answer (3 questions worth a total of 20 marks): One question will be asked from each of the 3 major sections covered thus far:

Although you may (or may not) find the recommended text books useful for preparing for the exam, as I mentioned in class there will be no questions that come specifically from them.   It is up to you whether or not you buy them but you should quickly decide if you need  either or both of them in order to study for the midterm).    Existing resources that you can use to supplement the lectures include: the required course notes (which can be found under the url: http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~tamj/231 or purchased in the Student Union Copy Center) and the GNU Pascal web site (http://www.gnu-pascal.de/gpc/h-index.html