CPSC 481: Foundations of HCI

James Tam

Assignment: Usability Studies

(due Monday, March 1)

Additional materials


  • Assignment Details
  • System and example tasks for the usability study
  • Discussion of guidelines for user observation (One of the required readings)
  • Grading Sheet
  • Description

    This assignment is a hands-on exercise on qualitative evaluation. Its immediate purpose is to give you experience conducting a usability study. Methods used in this study include the conceptual model discovery, silent observation, think-aloud, constructive interaction, questionnaires, and interviews. Because of the economy of these methods (they are easy to understand and quick to do) you can easily apply them to your future work.

    In terms of this assignment, your group is to take the perspective of consultants that are working for a company that has been commissioned to evaluate a system.  You can use your classmates or even your friends as test participants when applying the various methodologies.  The system examined by the class changes every year. 

    This year's system:

    Systems that I have used in past projects have included:

  • The WestJet web site:  System and example tasks here

  • The library web pages for the University of Calgary.  This system was developed to allow students and staff access to some of the library services through the Internet.  System and example tasks here.

  • Future Shop Online: A web site that was developed to allow people browse and buy without coming into the store.  System and example tasks here.



    Your group will deliver a substantial technical report written to the (imaginary) vice-president of the company (your TA) that commissioned the study. It must include your observations, the findings, the major problems detected, and some design recommendations.  Your report will briefly contrast the methods used, recommending which ones should be adapted in future study.