A) Logic: [PowerPoint] [html version]
B) Beyond base 10 (non-decimal based number systems) (There's a little on binary in Chapter 2): [PowerPoint] [html version]
C) Non-decimal math: [PowerPoint] [html version]
D) Complements: [PowerPoint] [html version]
E) Relating the numbers back to computers (The textbook discusses Unicode and ASCII in Chapter 2, pages 35 & 38): [PowerPoint] {html version]
A) My old CPSC 231 notes for number conversions (a little long-winded full of bad jokes but it explains things in a more detailed form).
B) My old CPSC 231 notes for complements
C) Web links to other sources of help and a list of books (I highly recommend that you check them out if you are having trouble with parts of this section especially the first link to Katrin Becker's web page).