CPSC 203

Section II: Number systems (unless noted below none of the following topics is covered in any substantial fashion in the text books)

        A) Logic: [PowerPoint]   [html version]

        B) Beyond base 10 (non-decimal based number systems) (There's a little on binary in Chapter 2): [PowerPoint]   [html version]

        C) Non-decimal math: [PowerPoint]   [html version]

        D) Complements: [PowerPoint]   [html version]

        E)  Relating the numbers back to computers (The textbook discusses Unicode and ASCII in Chapter 2, pages 35 & 38): [PowerPoint]   {html version]


Extra support material for this section

        A) My old CPSC 231 notes for number conversions (a little long-winded full of bad jokes but it explains things in a more detailed form).

        B) My old CPSC 231 notes for complements

        C) Web links to other sources of help and a list of books (I highly recommend that you check them out if you are having trouble with parts of this section especially the first link to Katrin Becker's web page).

Extra practice questions

        Practice questions
