sources for information on number systems
I) Katrin Becker http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~becker/231
The above link points to her CPSC231 lecture notes. On that web site you will find extensive descriptions of how to do different types of number conversions, complements, ASCII and more.
Click on the links for
1) Notes
2) Binary representation
3) From there you can follow all the relevant sub links: introduction, binary, octal, hexadecimal etc.
II) A link to another site that describes how binary works. If you are having trouble with fundamental concepts this is a really good place to start – the explanations are very good! http://www.dnaco.net/~ivanjs/binary.html
III) Library books at the U of C (haven’t checked them out personally so I don’t know how helpful they may be although there is a good review on amazon.com about the first book).
1) Book 1: Binary numbers by Wendy and Clyde Watson
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Material |
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Call Numbers |
1) |
513.52 WAB |
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2) Book 2: Decimal computation by Hermann Schmid
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Material |
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Call Numbers |
1) |
QA75 .S34 1974 |
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3LB |