CPSC 203 Assignment 5 (Worth: 5%, Due: March 18)


Learning objective: To know (from a hands on experience) what is required in the creation a web page.  Knowledge of some of the functions of a web building application, FrontPage.


Create a web page on either the student's university (ACS) account or the account of the Internet Service Provider of the student's choice.

The assignment web page consists of 4 pages:

1)      Home page – contains paragraph describes what is on this web link (i.e., a summary of the other 3 pages), it allows visitors to send email to the student by clicking on an appropriate image (e.g., a picture of a mailbox).

2)      Personal info page - it should contain a paragraph  in which you describe yourself  (the information need not be accurate or true if you feel uncomfortable in giving out personal information here - be creative if you want!).  This page must include one or more images.  Also at least one image must consist of a thumbnail image linked to a full sized version of the image (images should be in their own directory).  That is, when the person clicks on a thumbnail image the full sized image will be loaded.

3)      External links page – it has a list of 3 or more links to other external web pages.  This means that they are  links to web addresses that are not a part of the student's home page account.  These links can, if desired, reflect his or her personal interests.  It is purely up to the individual student as to what links that they include but keep in mind however that this part of a university assignment submission.  (Apply some common sense should be applied here as to what is appropriate - when in doubt ask your TA or Prof).

4)      School – provide a paragraph that briefly describes a department in the university (you can even reuse some of your stuff from assignment 2) and at least 2 images to represent the department (put in images their own directory).  In this case it is up to student whether the images should be thumbnails or not (it is not required for this page).

Each page should have a sensible title and have consistent background and navigational links.  The navigational links must stand out from the rest of the page (position, presentation – font size, bold facing, type facing etc).  More details on the latter requirement will be provided by your TA in lab.  Although this is not a course dedicated to web page design the student should pay attention to the layout and appearance of the web page.  (For example, a home page that is full of interesting features will not be marked by your TA if they can't figure out/find anything because you picked a loud background that makes it impossible to see anything).

There is no need to print out and hand in a paper copy for this assignment.  Each student however must send an email with the web address of their site prior to the due date/time.

Grading: This assignment will be graded by letter grade ("A", "B", "C", "D" or "F").

Sample web page

Marking guide