CPSC 203 Assignment 4 (Worth: 6%, Due: March 1)

Learning objective: To learn how to use some of the major functions of a popular spread data base program, MS-Access.  (As with Assignment 3, the lab TA's may also be showing some of the other functions available in Access that are not required for the assignment to expose you some of the more advanced features as well).

Requirements:  Work through Project 1 - 6 in the text Projects for Microsoft Office.   In Project 4, after Task 11, page AC-130, please create an additional query (save and name it LowHours): select all records where the HoursWorked is less than 60 and the PayRate is less than 12 dollars. Print and hand in a copy of the resulting datasheet.  In Project 6 after page AC-185, modify the report to add a total for billable hours and add a page footer that includes your name, the date, and the page number. Hand in a copy of this report.  (Again don't forget to include a cover sheet like you did for A2 & A3.  As well it is your responsibility to make sure that you find out what additional requirements that your particular TA may have for this assignment).

Grading: This assignment will be graded by letter grade ("A", "B", "C", "D" or "F").

Marking guide

Data files for assignment 4

    Project 1

    Project 2

    Project 3

    Project 4

    Project 5

    Project 6