CPSC 203 Assignment 3 (Worth: 4%, Due: February 8)

Learning objective: To learn how to use some of the major functions of a popular spread sheet, MS-Excel.  (Note the lab TA's will also be showing some of the other functions available in Excel that are not required for the assignment to expose you some of the more advanced features as well).

Requirements: Work through all of the Excel projects in the Projects for Microsoft Office workbook. After completing page EX-198, please change the loan scenario to a principal of $25,000.00, an interest rate of 6.25% and a term of 5 years. Hand in a copy of the spreadsheet showing this loan scenario, and also a second copy showing formulas rather than values in the spreadsheet.  (Don't forget to make up a cover sheet as you did with assignment 2).

Grading: This assignment will be graded by letter grade ("A", "B", "C", "D" or "F").


Marking guide


Errors in the text book (solutions courtesy of Donna Fremont and Frank Deur)

EX-143: Task 1, Step 4. The data values in the step are okay but Figure 5.6 does not match the task.


EX-147: Task 2, Step 3. The ranges selected should be A6:A16 and J6:J16


EX-181: Task 2, Step 3. The range to be selected should be B5:C8


EX-193: Task 9, Step 6:  Step 6 is unneeded because cell G12 already contains the formula =D12+F12

Cell F12 has an incorrect formula.  Highlight F12 and change the formula to =E12+F11