This list is currently out-of-date.
- Negative weights make adversaries stronger
- Peter Hoyer, Troy Lee, and Robert Špalek.
STOC 2007
- Resources required for preparing graph states
- Peter Hoyer, Mehdi Mhalla, and Simon Perdrix.
ISAAC 2006
- Multipartite nonlocal quantum correlations resistant to imperfections
- Harry Buhrman, Peter Hoyer, Serge Massar, and Hein Röhrig.
Physical Review A, 73:012321, 2006.
- Quantum query complexity of some graph problems
- Christoph Dürr, Mark Heiligman, Peter Hoyer, and Mehdi Mhalla.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 35(6):1310–1328, 2006.
(Best paper award for track A at ICALP'04.)
- When errors are intolerable
- Peter Hoyer.
Nature Physics, 1(3):141–142, December 2005.
- The phase matrix
- Peter Hoyer.
Proc. of 16th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'05), X. Deng and D. Du (Eds.), LNCS 3827, 308–317, December 2005.
- Tight adversary bounds for composite functions
- Peter Hoyer and Robert Špalek. September 2005.
- Lower bounds on quantum query complexity
- Peter Hoyer and Robert Špalek.
Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, 87:78–103, October 2005.
- Quantum algorithms for element distinctness
- Harry Buhrman, Christoph Dürr, Mark Heiligman, Peter Hoyer, Frederic Magniez, Miklos Santha, and Ronald de Wolf.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 34(6):1324–1330, 2005.
- Quantum circuits with unbounded fan-out
- Peter Hoyer and Robert Špalek.
Theory of Computing, 1:81–103, 2005.
- Consequences and limits of nonlocal strategies
- Richard Cleve, Peter Hoyer, Ben Toner, and John Watrous.
Proc. of 19th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, June 2004.
- The quantum query complexity of the hidden subgroup problem is polynomial
- Mark Ettinger, Peter Hoyer, and Emanuel Knill.
Information Processing Letters,
91(1):43–48, 16 July 2004.
- Combinatorics and quantum nonlocality
- Harry Buhrman, Peter Hoyer, Serge Massar, and Hein Röhrig.
Physical Review Letters, 91:047903, 2003.
- Quantum search on bounded-error inputs
- Peter Hoyer, Michele Mosca, and Ronald de Wolf.
Proc. of 30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'03),
LNCS 2719, 291–299, 2003.
- Improved quantum communication complexity bounds for disjointness and equality
- Peter Hoyer and Ronald de Wolf.
Proc. 19th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'02),
LNCS 2285, 299–310, 2002.
- Quantum amplitude amplification and estimation
- Gilles Brassard, Peter Hoyer, Michele Mosca, and Alain Tapp.
In Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: A Millennium Volume, AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, Volume 305, 2002.
- Quantum complexities of ordered searching, sorting, and element distinctness
- Peter Hoyer, Jan Neerbek, and Yaoyun Shi.
Algorithmica, Springer-Verlag, 34(4):429–448, 2002. Special issue on Quantum Computation and Cryptography.
Also in Proc. of 28th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'01), LNCS 2076, 346–357, 2001.
- Introduction to recent quantum algorithms
- Peter Hoyer.
Proc. of 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'01), LNCS 2136, 62–73, 2001.
- Simplified proof of the Fourier sampling theorem
- Peter Hoyer. Information Processing Letters, 75(4):139–143, 2000.
- Arbitrary phases in quantum amplitude amplification
- Peter Hoyer. Physical Review A, 62:052304, 2000.
- On quantum algorithms for noncommutative hidden subgroups
- Mark Ettinger and Peter Hoyer.
Advances in Applied Mathematics, 25(3):239–251, 2000.
- Multiparty quantum communication complexity
- Harry Buhrman, Wim van Dam, Peter Hoyer, and Alain Tapp.
Physical Review A, 60(4):2737–2741, 1999.
- Conjugated operators in quantum algorithms
- Peter Hoyer. Physical Review A, 59(5):3280–3289, 1999.
- Tight bounds on quantum searching
- Michel Boyer, Gilles Brassard, Peter Hoyer, and Alain Tapp.
Fortschritte Der Physik, 46(4–5):493–505, 1998.
- Parametric permutation routing via matchings
- Peter Hoyer and Kim S. Larsen.
Nordic Journal of Computing, 5(2):105–114, 1998.
- Quantum counting
- Gilles Brassard, Peter Hoyer, and Alain Tapp.
Proc. of 25th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'98), LNCS 1443, 820–831, 1998.
- Quantum cryptanalysis of hash and claw-free functions
- Gilles Brassard, Peter Hoyer, and Alain Tapp.
Proc. of Third Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN'98), LNCS 1380, 163–169, 1998.
- An exact quantum polynomial-time algorithm for Simon's problem
- Gilles Brassard and Peter Hoyer.
Proc. of Fifth Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems (ISTCS'97), 12–23, 1997.
- Efficient quantum transforms
- Peter Hoyer. February 1997.
- A general technique for implementation of efficient priority queues
- Peter Hoyer.
Proc. of Third Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems (ISTCS'95), 57–66, 1995.