Evolvica: Evolutionary Algorithms with Mathematica

Christian Jacob, Dept. of Computer Science,
The University of Calgary, CANADA

Table of Contents

Table of Contents Notebook

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Fascinating Evolution: Introductory Examples

This chapter demonstrates one of the fundamental principles of evolution: iterated selection and mutation by several simple, but yet ­ hopefully ­ convincing examples.

Cumulative Selection: »Me thinks it is like a weasel ...«

How can iterated selection and mutation help in finding a predefined sequence of characters?

Mimesis: Evolution of Butterfly Mimicry

Butterflies sitting on barks of trees can adapt their wing colours to their preferred environments. A simple simulation shows how this adaptation can be achieved through evolution.

Evolutionary Creativity: Biomorphs

On the basis of biomorphs, simple, recursive line figures first introduced by Richard Dawkins in order to discuss evolutionary principles, we exemplify the creativity inherent in interactive, open-ended evolution.


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