Dept. of Computer Science,
Programming Languages
University of Erlangen
Dept. of Computer Science, The
University of Calgary, Canada
About Evolvica ...
- This section gives a brief overview of the ideas behind Evolvica as a web and notebook based tutorial on evolutionary algorithms. The following two examples serve as a first glimpse on the fundamental evolution principles of selection and mutation.
The selection-mutation principle: A simple demonstration with Mathematica
Selection and mutation: A Java example
Evolutionary algorithms in Java
About Java ...
Exploring evolution with Java
An illustrative way to find out about evolutionary principles is to look at examples. The collection of evolutionary algorithms by examples ranges from interactive evolution of colors and shapes to evolution-based design of blood pipe systems, and search techniques on multi-modal functions, to name just a few. Most of the examples have been implemented both for Evolution Strategies and Genetic Algorithms.
Evolutionary algorithms with Mathematica
- The pages you will be directed to in this section is our first attempt towards a hypertext tutorial about Evolutionary Algorithms, i.e. on Evolution Strategies, Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming, Cellular Automata, Lindenmayer Systems, and Evolution of L-Systems.
- All the chapters are set up as Mathematica 3.0 notebooks that provide interactive hypertext documents including graphics, animations (movies), text, formulas and Mathematica programming code examples.
About Mathematica ...
- Here we give short description of Mathematica ´s programming environment and MathReader, a freely available program to read Mathematica notebooks.
Principia Evolvica: The tutorial
- Here you will enter another door into the fascinating World of Evolution.
Principia Evolvica: The book
- The tutorial material described above is part of a more extended collection of Mathematica notebooks that are to be found on a CD accompanying the recent book about »Simulated Evolution with Mathematica«
Principia Evolvica Simulierte Evolution mit Mathematica
700 pages, with CD, dpunkt.verlag, 1997.
- Although the book is written in German, all the Mathematica programs come with English descriptions and comments.
Web resources related to Evolutionary Computation
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Researchers and their projects
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