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A1: Word processing

Due dates for all assignments can be found on the [main grid] of the course webpage.

Note: The computer lab for CPSC 203 is located in SS018 (the "Tri-Labs"). If you find that your particular version of Word (e.g. Office 365, older versions of Office, MAC users) does not include everything needed for a feature then you should to complete that feature in SS018. Alternatively for the remote learning version of the course you can login to a lab computer from your own. [Information link created by UC-IT with modifications by James Tam, for questions:]

This assignments consists of two parts:

Data files

Assignment features and grading:

Everyone starts this assignment with a grade point of zero. Your grade for this assignment will increase by the amount specified in the brackets (bolded text) as you implement each feature. To receive credit, features must be invoked using Word's built in functionality and not by manually typing in text yourself. For example if a student typed in a figure caption rather than using Word's figure captioning ability then no marks would be awarded.

Part I: Editing Word documents.

  1. ('Calgary' document): Insert page numbering at top of each page in the 'header'  (0.2 GPA):
    • Format "Page x of y" (in Word the numbering is referred to as "Bold Numbers 3")
    • You can keep the default font (Calibri) and size (11).
    • The text should already be right aligned (this is how Bold Numbers 3 is already formatted so you shouldn't have to change anything).
  1. ('Calgary' document): Insert a table of contents on its own page at the very start of the document. (0.4 GPA)
    • Use Word's ability to automatically insert a table of contents at the very start of the document. (In Word the table to use is called: "Automatic Table 2"). (0.2 GPA)
    • Insert a 'page break'1 after the table of contents ("Spruce Meadows" should be now only Page 2): (0.2 GPA)
  1. ('Calgary' document):  Insert a Word generated footnote (0.2 GPA):
    • Footnote location: under the heading "Spruce Meadows"  immediately after the period in the text "The festival of lights".
    • The footnote contains the web address of the Spruce Meadows website ( and should appear at the bottom of the page. You don't have to change the font style and size that is used for the footnote.
  1. ('Calgary' document): Insert a Word generated citation. (0.5 GPA)
    • Move the cursor so it immediately follows the text "One dream. Four Jamaicans. Twenty below zero."
    • One way to create the citation in Word: References->Insert citation->Add a new source "Film".
      • Citation information
        • Title: Cool Runnings (0.1 GPA)
        • Director: Turteltaub, Jon (0.1 GPA)
        • Year: 1993 (0.1 GPA)
    • If the citation that you just created isn't inserted in the correct location then you can manually insert it: References->Insert citation: then select the newly created "Cool Runnings" reference. (0.2 GPA)
  1. ('Calgary' document): Using the citation from #4 (you must complete that feature to get credit for this one), create a bibliography at the very end of the document on its own page. (0.4 GPA)
    • The bibliography (0.2 GPA) is at the very end of the document so again use the insert page break1 feature to make sure that the bibliography sits on its own page. (0.2 GPA)
  1. ('Calgary' document): Change the style of the text from #4 (you must complete that feature to get credit for this one) above (0.5 GPA)
    1. Create a new 'style' of text in Word called "Movie taglines"
      • Movie taglines is based on the existing style 'Normal'. (0.1 GPA)
      • The new style be formatted as follows. Font type: 'Arial Black', Font size 14 (0.2 GPA: 0.1 for font type, 0.1 for font size).
    2. Apply this style to the citation and the text "One dream. Four Jamaicans. Twenty below zero. (Turteltaub, 1993)" (0.2 GPA)
  1. ('Calgary' document): Use the 'insert captioning' of Word to label all the images in the document. You can use the default text for the caption "Figure X" (X = the figure number). (2 images x 0.1 GPA each = 0.2 GPA)
  1. ('Calgary' document): Insert a new image into the middle of the document and make sure existing captions are updated/correct. (0.3 GPA)
    • Insert an image of your choice between the 1st and 2nd image ("Spruce Meadows" and "Cool Runnings") on its own page use the insert "Page break" feature1 (0.1 GPA).
    • Use the image captioning feature of Word to caption the new image, again you can just use the default text for the caption. (0.1 GPA)
    • Make sure that all your other image captions and any applicable references to the images are correctly updated. With Word 2016+ the update should be automatic and correct but check it! (0.1 GPA)
    • Don't need to create a new heading for the image and make sure that the image is not specified as a 'heading' text style. If the style of the image is accidentally set as one of the heading style types (e.g. "Heading 1") when you update the table of contents (next step) the image will show up in the table of contents!
  1. ('Calgary' document): Update the table of contents so the page numbers and the headings (there should be three of them: two for the original images, one for the bibliography) are correct. (0.2 GPA)

Part II: Using Mail Merge on the starting Word document Marketing_Letter.docx and using as the recipient list the people listed in the Clients spreadsheet. Based on this recipient list you create a mail merged letter. You will get few (if any) marks if the client data is manually typed into Word and does not utilize the Word Mail merge function.

  1. ('Marketing_Letter' document): Use the mail merge feature in Word (Mailings->Start mail merge->Step-by-step Mail Merge Wizard) to generate customized 'letters' to the clients in the Clients spreadsheet. Go through the first 5 steps of the wizard. (Normally there's 6 steps in real life but don't complete the last step for the assignment). To keep things consistent and easier for the marker don't sort the data source just keep the letters in the same order that they appear in the spreadsheet. Save your document as 'Merged_letter.docx'. If you have completed the mail merge correctly then your 'Merged_letter' document will contain all of customized letters. When you select 'Mailings' in the Word ribbon then you will be able to "click through" all of the letters. When you submit this document via D2L then your marker can check your results as well. Because your marker can see all the merged letters you don't need to select the option to 'Finish and Merge' the process. (Submitted only the finished document will only show the end results of the merge process which may be needed in "real life" but in the case of the assignment will not merit any credit because the finished document could have been manually typed in without using a mail merge).

Here are the required parts in order of appearance in the merged letter.

  1. Recipient information (first & last name, job and address which is customized according to the individual client information in the spreadsheet. The recipient information should be inserted neatly below the sender's name and address (for James Tam) and before the text "When we met..." (0.4 GPA, 0.1 GPA for each of the four fields).

    Format (italicized text is customized based on the client information from the spreadsheet):

    <First name> <Last name>

    Example (first client):

    Bud Fox
    Account executive
    777 Wall Street


  2. Greeting line (e.g. "Dear Mr. Fox,") in the format: Dear <Title> <Last name>, (0.2 GPA): The greeting follows the recipient information (Feature 10a) but is before the body of the email ("When we met I was amused by what you said: "). The default greeting should fulfill the requirements.
  1. The 'quote' field for the client ". In the case of Bud Fox it's: "As your broker, I advise you to take it."  Logically this text will immediately follow the text of the body (When we met I was amused by what you said: ) because the existing text refers to quote you add in Feature (c). (0.2 GPA)

When you complete the insertion of the above information make sure that each individual letter does not exceed a page (i.e. you may need to delete some lines if it does).


  1. ('Marketing_Letter' document): Conditional phrase, offer of membership. In Word use the feature under Mailings->Rules->If-Then-Else to add an offer of membership to the client that is based on the person's gross income. If the income is at or exceeds $50,000 the message will say "I am able to offer you a Gold membership in our exclusive club." Otherwise the message will say "I can offer you a membership in our club." The conditional phrase should follow the quote field (c) in the body of the email but appear before the 'Sincerely' signoff. (0.3 GPA, 0.2 for the correctly specified condition, 0.05 for each of the two text messages appearing under the correct condition)

1 When you are told to insert a page break do not just hit the 'enter' key multiple times. If you do so then you won't be awarded credit.

Submitting your work:

Important points to keep in mind:

  1. Extensions may be granted for reasonable cases by the course instructor with the receipt of the appropriate documentation (e.g., a completed Statutory declaration form that has been signed by appropriate Deponent, you can get an appointment via the Office of the Registrar). Typical examples of reasonable cases for an extension include: illness or a death in the family. Cases where extensions will NOT be granted include situations that are typical of student life: having multiple due dates, work commitments etc. Teaching Assistants (the people working in the 203 lab room) will not be able to provide extension on their own and must receive written permission from the course instructor first. (Note: Forgetting to submit/not properly submitting your assignment or a component of your assignment in does not constitute a sufficient reason for special grading considerations).
  2. Collaboration: Assignments must reflect individual work, group work is not allowed in this class nor can you copy the work of others. To avoid problems students should not see each others assignment solution.

  3. Execution: programs must work on the machines on campus Windows computers. (For the remote learning semester since access to the lab computers is more challenging: the requirement is that your document works on any Windows computer). It's up to you to test and check this is the case. Non-functional submissions will receive only partial credit (if any at all).

  4. Late submissions:

    Submission received:

    On time

    Hours late : >0 and <=24

    Hours late: >24 and <=48

    Hours late: >48 hours



    -1.5 GPA

    -3.0 GPA

    No credit
