# Author: James Tam # Version: September 29, 2014 # This version error checks the month entered and repeatedly # prompts for a value until a value with the correct range # has been entered. # Maps a numeric value to the name of the month # Error message displayed if an invalid numeric value entered. month = int(input("Enter month (1 - 12): ")) print("Month is...", end="") if (month == 1): print("January") elif (month == 2): print("February") elif (month == 3): print("March") elif (month == 4): print("April") elif (month == 5): print("May") elif (month == 6): print("June") elif (month == 7): print("July") elif (month == 8): print("August") elif (month == 9): print("September") elif (month == 10): print("October") elif (month == 11): print("November") elif (month == 12): print("December") else: print("Months only range from 1 - 12")