CPSC 231: Mini-Assignment 5
Due at 4 PM. For assignment due dates see the
main schedule
on the course webpage.
New Concepts to be applied for the assignment
- Part I:
- Writing a program that reacts to button events using the
tkinter module
- Drawing basic shapes and setting graphical properties using the
tkinter module
- Part II:
- Defining classes, declaring references, creating objects and calling
Part I Description:
Modify the existing code in the program 'button_events.py'
program to draw the graphic of a rectangle that appears in a new Window when the
button is pressed. You need to add a rectangle to the popup window with the
following properties:
- Coordinates of top left hand corner (50,100)
worth 0.4 GPA
- Coordinates of bottom right hand corner (250,200)
worth 0.4 GPA
- The rectangle is draw in 'pretty': filled in 'pink', outlined in 'gold'
worth 0.6 GPA
Part II Description:
Your program must consist of two classes (as described below). Aside from the 'start()'
function you are not to define any other functions for this assignment. If you
do implement other functions or methods then you will receive few, if any, marks
for features listed below. Make sure you use the same method names specified. Also to make it easier to mark ensure that your
method carries out the prescribed tasks exactly as specified (so the the
person knows precisely what results should come out at what times).
- Defines a class 'Adventurer' which
MUST be in it's own module file (otherwise no marks for the features
(String), and
(int) (0.4
- A no argument constructor that sets the
name and health attributes to
the following default starting values ("nameless"
for the name and -1 for the health (0.4
- A 'gainLevel()' method that
displays a message onscreen ("Congratulations!")
and increases health by 5. (0.4 GPA)
- Defines a 'start()' function which
MUST be a separate module (otherwise no marks for the features
below) which will contain the following instructions
- Declares a reference to an Adventurer and calls the default
constructor (0.2 GPA)
- Displays the health and name of the adventurer, the default
values appear (0.4 GPA)
- Sets the name of the adventurer to 'Balin'
(0.2 GPA)
- Calls the 'gainLevel()' method of
the adventurer (0.2 GPA)
- Displays the health and name of the adventurer, the new values
should appear 'Balin'
and and a non-default value for the health (increased by 5 over the
default) (0.4 mark)
D2L configuration:
Multiple submissions are possible for each
assignment (may not apply for all assignments but I have the same
configuration to be consistent(: You can and should submit many times before
the due date. However, this means that TAs will only mark the latest
versions of each file submitted via D2L. Even if the version of a
document that you want marked has been uploaded into D2L if it isn't the
latest version then you will only get marks for the latest version. (It's
unfair to have the TAs check versions or to remark assignments simply
because you didn't check that the latest version was the correct one).
Multiple files can be submitted for each assignment. I am allowing you to
submit multiple files for each assignment so don't archive/compress
multiple files using a utility such as zip otherwise your work may not
be graded.
Assignments will be marked by your tutorial
instructor (the "Teaching Assistant" or "TA"). When you have questions about
marking this is the first person that you should be directing your questions
towards. If you still have question after you have talked to your TA, then
you can talk to your course (lecture) instructor.
As well as being marked on whether "your program works" for full assignments
you will also be marked on non-functional requirements such as style and
documentation (this is not the case with mini-assignments). Style and
documentation requirements of the previous assignment must also be followed
and implemented for this assignment. This assignment will include a separate
checklist] so you can tell ahead of time how marks will allocated. As
well you can see how marks were and were not awarded after marking is done.
Besides seeing your grade point in D2L you can also see the detailed
feedback that your TA will enter for each student. You can access the
grading sheet in D2L under
Assessments->Dropbox and then clicking on the appropriate assignment
link. If you still cannot find the grading sheet then here is a [help
Points to keep in mind:
Due time:
All assignments are due at 4 PM on the
due dates listed on the course web page.
Late assignments or components of assignments will not be accepted for
marking without approval for an extension beforehand. Alternate submission
mechanisms (non exhaustive list of examples: email, uploads to cloud-based
systems such as Google drive, time-stamps, TA memories) cannot be used as
alternatives if you have forgotten to submit work or otherwise have not
properly submitted into D2L. Only files submitted into D2L by the due
date is what will be marked, everything else will be awarded no
may be granted for reasonable cases by the course instructor with the
receipt of the appropriate documentation (e.g., a doctor's note). Typical
examples of reasonable cases for an extension include: illness or a death in
the family. Example cases where extensions will not be granted include
situations that are typical of student life: having multiple due dates, work
commitments etc. Tutorial instructors (TA's) will not be able to provide
extension on their own and must receive permission from the course
instructor first.
Method of submission:
You are to submit your assignment using D2L [help
link]. Make sure that you [check
the contents of your submitted files]
(e.g., is the file okay or was it corrupted, is it the correct version
etc.). It's your responsibility to do this! (Make sure that you submit your
assignment with enough time before it comes due for you to do a check).
Identifying information:
All assignments should include contact information (full name, student ID
number and tutorial section) at the very top of your program in the class
where the 'main()'
method resides (starting execution point). (Note other documentation is also
required for most assignments). Not necessary graded for mini-assignments
but still a good idea to do this.
Assignments must reflect individual work;
group work is not allowed in this class nor can you copy the work of
others. For more detailed information as to what constitutes academic
misconduct (i.e., cheating) for this course please read the following [link].
Execution: programs must run on the computer science network running
Python 3.x. If you write you code in the lab and work remotely using a
remote login program such as Putty or SSH then you should be okay (assuming
you don't login to a non-Linux computer). If you choose to install Python on
your own computer then it is your responsibility to ensure that your program
will run properly here.
If it's not running in the lab computers using Python 3.x then it won't be
awarded credit. It's not recommended that you use an IDE for writing
your programs but if you use one then make sure that you submit your program
in the form of text ".py"
file or files.
Use of pre-created Python
libraries: unless otherwise
told you are to write the code yourself and not use any pre-created
functions. For this assignment the usual acceptable functions include:
and the 'conversion' functions such as
Look at the particular assignment description for a list of other classes
that you are allowed to use and still get credit in an assignment