Grade Calculator: Problem decomposition |
Author: Jordan Kidney ( ) Date: Feb 24, 2006 | |
Concepts to be applied for the problem:
Problem description: Your task is to take the GradeCalculator program given below, and break it up into functions and procedures. Creation of the functions and procedures should be done by breaking down the problem into its logical components based upon the different types of tasks that are being solved by the program. The original description of the GradeCalculator program can be found at the following links: Starting Hint: When looking at the task of creating this program there are 4 main components that can be extracted. These could help as starting points for where to break the code into functions and procedures.
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Code |
(* ============================================================================== * File: GradeCalculator.p * Purpose: Simple program to calculate the percentage and letter grade * Author: Jordan Kidney ( ) * Created on: Feb 14, 2006 ============================================================================== *) program GradeCalculator (input,output); (* ========================== MAIN ============================================== *) begin var Mark : real; (* The mark the user got *) var TotalMarks : real; (* Total number of possible marks *) var Percentage : real; (* Used to store the calculated percentage value *) var LetterGrade : char; (* Used to store the letter cade for the mark *) var LetterSign : char; (* Used to store the sign for the letter grade *) var EndLoop : boolean; (* Used as a flag to end loops for error checking *) (* Read in the total marks for the test and make sure * it is greaterr then zero *) EndLoop := false; repeat write('Enter the total number of marks : '); readln(TotalMarks); if (TotalMarks <= 0) then writeln('Error: The number must be greater then zero.') else EndLoop := true until EndLoop = true; (* Read in the mark the user got and make sure * that it is grwater ten or equal to zero and les then the * total number of marks for the test *) EndLoop := false; repeat write('Enter your mark : '); readln(Mark); if ((Mark < 0) or (Mark > TotalMarks)) then writeln('Error: inncorect input') else EndLoop := true until EndLoop = true; (* Calculate the percentage value for the user *) Percentage := (Mark * 100.0)/TotalMarks; (* Find the letter grade based upon the percentage value found *) if (Percentage < 39.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'F'; LetterSign := ' '; end else if (Percentage < 44.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'D'; LetterSign := '-'; end else if (Percentage < 49.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'D'; LetterSign := ' '; end else if (Percentage < 54.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'D'; LetterSign := '+'; end else if (Percentage < 59.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'C'; LetterSign := '-'; end else if (Percentage < 64.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'C'; LetterSign := ' '; end else if (Percentage < 69.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'C'; LetterSign := '+'; end else if (Percentage < 74.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'B'; LetterSign := '-'; end else if (Percentage < 79.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'B'; LetterSign := ' '; end else if (Percentage < 84.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'B'; LetterSign := '+'; end else if (Percentage < 89.0) then begin LetterGrade := 'A'; LetterSign := '-'; end else begin LetterGrade := 'A'; LetterSign := ' '; end; (* Write information to the console *) writeln('You got ', Percentage:0:2, '% on the test which gives you a letter grade of ' ,LetterGrade,LetterSign); end. (* ============================================================================== *) |