CPSC 219: Midterm #1 Information
Additional details will be added over time...
- The exam will be held during the
Thursday Feb 9 lecture.
Review material:
- During lecture as I cover the material I will provide suggestions of what an
exam-like question may look like. You should attend class for this info and note
the details as it comes up.
- Online review questions: the following are meant to provide you with
some extra practice so you need to actually try them on your own to get
anything out of it. For that reason solutions won't be posted. But if you
still have questions after attempting a question then you can ask, just make
sure you have tried them first!
- Extra review questions: the following are meant to provide you with some
extra practice so you need to actually try them on your own to get anything
out of it. For that reason solutions won't be posted. But if you still have
questions after attempting a question then you can ask (just be sure to show
me the work that you have done so I can see how far that you have gotten and
that you're not just coming in cold without making an attempt): [Online review
- More ideas for review, these are general guidelines for finding problems
that may be similar to your first midterm [Online
review ideas]
Front cover from the actual exam (so make sure you look at this
beforehand...important so make sure you read them beforehand!). Notice that you
need to enter your ID number on the inside cover of the examination (don't
forget to to this).
Material that you should study
- The lecture material: the PowerPoint slides will provide you with an
outline of the topics to be covered. However studying the information just
listed on the slides won't be sufficient to do well on the final exam. You
will also need to take notes in class and to study and understand those
notes. If you have any questions then make sure that you ask me for help and
- Text books: can be used as another source of material to help
you understand the material as you prepare for the exam. I won't however
directly examine you on material that is listed in the textbooks that I
didn't cover in class.
- Tutorial exercises and the tutorial handouts: I won't be directly
examining you on this material (unless it overlaps with the lecture material
or you hear otherwise regarding a section)
Classes that you should be familiar with:
While you are not expected to be familiar with all methods and attributes on
the exam you should be able to call/trace methods of the following classes whose
methods have been covered during the semester.
Although a Java array is not a class you should
also be familiar with tracing/writing code employing the
length() method of the
array type.
Exam topics
Lecture topics covered so far
Approximate proportion of exam1
Introduction to Java programming |
~50% |
Introduction to Object-Oriented programming |
26 |
Java (up to and including any material covered on Tuesday Feb 7) |
16 |
Other (doesn't neatly belong in one of the
above categories e.g., spans multiple categories). |
~6% |
Exam questions1
Multiple choice questions 20 marks
20 questions |
Short answer questions 10 marks
Two code writing questions worth 5 marks each |
1 It's based on a near-final version of the midterm (exact proportions may
vary *slightly*)
Mappings from percentage score to GPA
Min percent |
0 |
0 |
15 |
0.1 |
30 |
0.3 |
40 |
0.5 |
45 |
0.7 |
50 |
1 |
51 |
1.1 |
52 |
1.2 |
53 |
1.3 |
54 |
1.4 |
55 |
1.5 |
56 |
1.6 |
57 |
1.7 |
58 |
1.8 |
59 |
1.9 |
60 |
2 |
61 |
2.1 |
62 |
2.2 |
63 |
2.3 |
64 |
2.4 |
65 |
2.5 |
66 |
2.6 |
67 |
2.7 |
68 |
2.8 |
69 |
2.9 |
70 |
3 |
71 |
3.1 |
72 |
3.2 |
74 |
3.3 |
76 |
3.4 |
78 |
3.5 |
80 |
3.6 |
82 |
3.7 |
84 |
3.8 |
86 |
3.9 |
88 |
4 |
90 |
4.1 |
96 |
4.2 |
98 |
4.3 |