Course web page: Introduction to Computer Science for non-majors II James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 219: Midterm Final Exam Information

Additional details will be added over time...


Review material:

Front cover from the actual exam (so make sure you look at this beforehand...important so make sure you read them beforehand!). Notice that you need to enter your ID number on the inside cover of the examination (don't forget to to this).

Flip side of cover - top of page showing where you write your student ID number)

Material that you should study


Exam topics: the final exam will be cumulative

I won't be able to provide a breakdown by topic because there will likely be a number of overlap in the topics that need to be applied for a particular question (e.g., a GUI question that includes file input/output). That's because you've gotten to the point that you see questions on the examination that are more realistic and "real programs" don't include single concepts in isolation. However I can provide you with a general idea of which topics will likely result in a higher proportion of the final exam (the 'major' exam topics shown below)

'Major' exam topics: higher probability you will see a higher weight short answer question from one the topics on this list

Advanced Java (it was a part of the last midterm but there are many useful concepts that have showed up again and again).
Hierarchies (especially inheritance)
Graphical user interfaces


'Minor' exam topics: if included on the final exam it's more likely that the topics on this list will appear in the multiple choice section or perhaps a lower weight short answer question

Material covered from the first lecture up to and excluding Advanced Java.
File input and output
Design patterns
Java history


Exam questions1

Multiple choice questions 20 marks

  20 questions

Short answer questions  43 marks

  Code writing questions x 4: 29 marks (Q1 = 4, Q2 = 9, Q3 = 10, Q5 = 6)
  Code trace question x 1: Q4 = 12 marks
  Conceptual question x 1: Q6 = 2 marks

1 It's based on a near-final version of the final exam (exact proportions may vary *slightly*)

Min percent GPA
0 0
10 0.1
20 0.3
25 0.5
30 0.7
35 1
40 1.1
42 1.2
45 1.3
48 1.4
50 1.5
52 1.6
54 1.7
55 1.8
56 1.9
57 2
58 2.1
59 2.2
60 2.3
61 2.4
62 2.5
63 2.6
64 2.7
65 2.8
66 2.9
67 3
68 3.1
69 3.2
71 3.3
73 3.4
75 3.5
77 3.6
79 3.7
81 3.8
83 3.9
85 4
90 4.1
96 4.2
98 4.3