Course web page: Introduction to problem solving with applications James Tam Return to the course web page

A0: D2L

Assignment submissions close off Friday Sept 29 at 4 PM

This assignment is not graded but it's an important exercise in order for you get familiar with all the major aspects of submitting files into D2L especially verifying submissions by downloading a looking through the contents of uploaded documents.


  1. Create Word document with your name and 1 or more images inserted into the document (the bigger the better). If you don't have a document handy. [Tam starting document]
  2. Upload this Word document into D2L [for help see the UC-IT created D2L tutorial]
  3. Verify that the document was properly uploaded (file not corrupt, version correct) by downloading the document from D2L, opening the document and look at the contents: [Tam created help guide]
  4. Modify the document and upload into D2L again. (If you used Tam's document then make sure you at least modify in some way that you will recognize)
  5. Download the latest version of the document again and verify that the modified version is the one that has been uploaded. You should verify the final version of all assignment submissions this way. Remember the TAs will only mark the latest version of the document or documents that you upload.
  6.  Create a shortcut to the Word document in Windows. Delete the original document and try to upload the shortcut to D2L. Depending upon the version of your operating system you will either get an error message that the shortcut is not working (Windows 7 or later) or you may actually be able to upload the shortcut but not get an warning. In the former case you are done, the operating system has told you that the task cannot be completed. In the latter case go to Step #7 and you will see the problem. You may ask why did I ask you to complete this task? Sometimes when students are transferring files they may copy only a shortcut and not the actual document. I have found that this sometimes occur when a student transfer a shortcut (and not the actual file) to a flash drive intending to submit D2L later.
  7. Look at the files that you uploaded for A0 into D2L. Notice the smaller file size of the shortcut vs. the original document and the modified document. You may be able to view the document if you download the shortcut now because the document resides on your lab computer. If you only upload shortcuts into D2L then unfortunately the TAs will have nothing to mark (i.e. you get a zero for the assignment).