Course web page: Introduction to problem solving with applications James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 203: Midterm Information

More information will be added here as we approach the exam date so you should check back here for updates



Review material:


Front cover from the actual exam (so make sure you look at this beforehand...important so make sure you read them beforehand!):

ID number goes on the inside of the first (cover) page.

Material that you should study

Using software applications: General

  • You won't be asked about where different features are located in a particular program i.e., what is the sequence of clicks to invoke a particular feature of Excel
  • You be asked general questions about the benefits of using certain features of Word (e.g. automatically creating a table of contents, using master documents)

MS-Excel documentation that you will get for the exam: as indicated in class the documentation shows you the function arguments ("how to run function") but not detailed explanations about how each one works such as the return value(s).

  • Basic mathematical operators: assignment (=), addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication(*), division  (/), exponent(^)
  • Basic statistical formulas (an alternative to entering the start : cell range is to manually enter a series of numbers as the function argument).
  • SUM(<start cell> : <end cell>)
  • AVERAGE(<start cell> : <end cell>)
  • MIN(<start cell> : <end cell>)
  • MAX(<start cell> : <end cell>)
  • Counting functions (an alternative to entering the start : cell range is to manually enter the data sequence as the function argument).
  • COUNT(<start cell> : <end cell>)
  • COUNTA(<start cell> : <end cell>)
  • COUNTBLANK(<start cell> : <end cell>) 
  • String (and related utility) functions (an alternative to entering the cell  is to manually enter a string as the function argument).
  • PROPER(<"string"> or <cell containing a string>)
  • UPPER(<"string"> or <cell containing a string>)
  • LOWER(<"string"> or <cell containing a string>)
  • TRIM(<"string"> or <cell containing a string>)
  • CONCATENATE(<cell1>or <"string">, <cell2>or <"string">....<celln> or <"string">)
  • LEFT(<cell>, <number of characters>)
  • RIGHT(<cell>, <number of characters>)
  • MID(<cell>, <start position>, <number of characters>)
  • FIND(<find text>, <within text>, [<start position>])
  • Date and time functions
  • TODAY()
  • NOW()
  • Branching function
  • =if(<condition to check>,  <return value: condition true>,  <return value: condition false>)
  • Logical comparators (relational operators): less than (<), less than equal to (<=), greater than (>), greater than equal to (>=), equal to (=), not equal to (<>)
  • Lookup functions
  • LOOKUP(<Lookup value>, <Lookup column (vector) Start : End>, <result column (vector) Start : End>)
  • VLOOKUP(<Lookup value>, <Lookup table Start : End>, <Lookup table Column specifying the return value>, [<Exact match required?>])
  • Conditional counting functions (an alternative to entering the start : cell range is to manually enter the data sequence as the function argument).
  • COUNTIF(<start cell> : <end cell>, <condition>)
  • COUNTIFS(<start cell> : <end cell>, <condition>,  (<start cell> : <end cell>, <condition>) )
  • Logical Functions
  • NOT(<true or false value>)
  • AND(<true or false value>, <true or false value>...<true or false value>)
  • OR(<true or false value>, <true or false value>...<true or false value>)

MS-Access: won't be on midterm (you will see this area covered in your final exam)

How to prepare for the exam

As mentioned early in the semester Computer Science isn't an area where you can just read a book or memorize a few points on a slide and expect to be proficient and have a deep understanding of concepts. While it is important to 'study' concepts, this traditional form of preparation is mandatory but not sufficient. Like any other hands-on area you evaluate and improve your knowledge and understanding by 'doing'.

Examples (non-exhaustive list):

Logic: try creating arbitrary logical expressions in the "free-form" style that you were introduced to in lecture e.g. (T and F) Or T. Alternatively you can try expressing the freeform logical expressions in the form of a truth table and working through all the true/false combinations.



Truth table (on the exam you will have to fill in the values for Col 3 - 5)

Col1 Col2 Col3 =

Col1 OR Col 2

Col4 =

Col1 AND Col2

Col 5 =

Col3 OR Col4



Now that you've learned how to use the 3 logical functions in Excel: AND, OR, NOT you can check the correctness of these expressions. Before entering them into Excel however you should try to evaluate them by hand. You get more out of the exercise.

Excel: write out functions by hand and predict the expected outcome (by hand and not by viewing the results in Excel). This method of 'hand' predicting results is referred to as 'tracing' output). Using functions such as (if, lookup, vlookup and the string functions to solve different real life applications (examples I've given out in lecture).


Exam topics

Lecture topics covered so far

Approximate proportion of exam2

Computer fundamentals ~17%
Logic   20
Spreadsheets   57
Miscellaneous1 ~5%

1 The topic or topics being evaluated in the question doesn't fall neatly into one of the above categories e.g., the question covers materials that span multiple topics

Exam questions2

Multiple choice questions 37 marks

  37 questions

Short answer questions  22 marks

  3 Excel spreadsheet questions
    Writing an Excel expression
    Tracing an Excel expression
    Miscellaneous Excel question (not directly a trace nor does it involve writing expressions)
  1 question from either logic or computer fundamentals

2 It's based on a near-final version of the midterm (exact proportions may vary *slightly*)

Min percent GPA
0 0
40 0.7
50 1
51 1.1
52 1.2
53 1.3
54 1.4
55 1.5
56 1.6
58 1.7
60 1.8
62 1.9
63 2
64 2.1
65 2.2
66 2.3
67 2.4
68 2.5
69 2.6
71 2.7
72 2.8
73 2.9
74 3
76 3.1
78 3.2
80 3.3
81 3.4
82 3.5
83 3.6
84 3.7
86 3.8
88 3.9
92 4
94 4.1
96 4.2
98 4.3