/* The code for this class written entirely by James Tam: the constructor() and the display() method. */ public class StarShip { public static final int MAX_HULL = 400; public static final char DEFAULT_APPEARANCE = 'C'; public static final int MAX_DAMAGE = 50; private char appearance; private int hullValue; public StarShip () { appearance = DEFAULT_APPEARANCE; hullValue = MAX_HULL; } public StarShip (int hull) { appearance = DEFAULT_APPEARANCE; hullValue = hull; } public StarShip (char newAppearance) { this(); appearance = newAppearance; } public int attack() { System.out.println("<<< StarShip.attack() >>>"); return(MAX_DAMAGE); } public char getAppearance () { return appearance; } public int getHullValue() { return(hullValue); } public void setAppearance(char newAppearance) { appearance = newAppearance; } public void setHull(int newHullValue) { hullValue = newHullValue; } }